- Do You Ever Grease Circuit Breaker Contacts?
- X0 bond strap
- Saturation test of a 1500/5 multi-ratio CT
- Phasing a Tie Circuit Breaker
- winding resistance tolerance for a transformer test
- Testing spec calls for low-resistance "Megger Testing" to inspect for high resistance
- Tips for Westinghouse DH breakers that trip free or won’t close
- Cooling fans won’t stop running on transformer secondary side??
- AC millivolt test on battery banks
- TTR on K type transformer
- Can anyone recommend some good DLRO leads/test probes?
- NETA and Public Utilities: Are testing requirements the same?
- How to secondary test Square D PowerPact H/J/L frame CB's with Micrologic 3/5/6 ETU
- Easy way to calculate transformer fault current
- Expected contact resistance measurement based on breaker frame size
- winding resistance tester and CPC 100
- Transformer winding resistance, balance ?
- Cable hi-pot withstanding time, why 15 minutes?
- Regulated voltage for powering up test sets?
- GE AK breaker intermittent nuisance tripping of bell alarm lockout
- Amprobe DM-III -- Helpful tips for downloading data from PQ mode
- Help understanding 3 phase electrical systems
- What methods do you use for corona suppression when testing cable?
- A basic question (with different answers)
- Important tip for measuring secondary current with AEMC PEL data logger
- Solar PV Systems Testing
- Fall of Potential Test - Voltage/Resistance Rises Dramatically
- Westinghouse DS-206 complete dis-assembly in less than 10 minutes
- Need help understanding test values for insulation resistance (NETA Table 100.1)
- What is the minimum test duration for a VLF acceptance test on MV cable?
- Testing ground fault reduced voltage and blocking capability
- How hard is it to get new test equipment at your company?
- Problem running ratio test with Megger multitap CT test set
- Overpotential test voltage for low-voltage switchgear
- Contact resistance tester doesn't display any reading
- When you don't even need an IR camera to find the hot spot...
- 230kV Auto-Transformer (Insulation Resistance Test)
- Should I HIPOT before or after other tests?
- Contact resistance critera/passing range (low voltage air circuit breakers)
- Ripple Test of OLTC Auto-Transformer using Omicron CPC-100
- Correct procedure for de-magnetizing transformer cores
- Do you always pull circuit breaker arc chutes?
- Is there a field test for Fuses to determine how they will perform?
- Help me understand how a megger works
- Having trouble with Omicron CT analyzer
- Moisture criteria of SF6 Gas at NETA Standard Table 100.13
- EATON Magnum DS with Digitrip 1150+ showing "TRIP" on the display
- Surge Arrestor vs. Surge Suppressor, What's the difference?
- Is possible to get an accurate resistance measurement using a Digital Earth Tester?
- Partial Discharge Data Interpretation
- Neta Certs...why are they valid?
- Sizing equipment grounding conductors for voltage drop
- EATON Magnum DS tripping free? Give this mechanism spring a check.
- Broken Spring Charge Indicator (DS and DSL Circuit Breakers) - How to Fix
- Recommended Industry Training?
- How to locate harmonic currents?
- Should I fail this transformer?
- What test set or method you are using for testing turns ratio on CCVTs?
- Testing liquid filled transformers with load break bushings
- TVRMS2 digital link open with CB in Test Position (Epic MVT)
- Helpful tips for testing Siemens SB-EC trip units (SBS circuit breakers)
- Testing ground resistance with no earth to drive rods
- How to Test Breaker through Current Injection Tester ?
- How to read the Time Current Characterstics
- How to read American Electrical Diagrams
- Megger Insulation Tester "br.d" Error Code
- ARC FLash and Short Circuit Coordination Study
- DC Battery Bank charger outputting too much AC
- Neutral CT testing with ground bond
- Fall-of-potential C2 distance
- Ground Resistance Testing IT System
- How often do you check your test leads?
- training for low voltage circuit breaker testing
- what do the different gases mean when taking an oil sample?
- Use of standard CT and PT while testing a given CT and PT
- Ground fault pickup test for 120V GFCI circuit breaker (How-to)
- IR scanning UPS modules
- Shorting transformer windings for PI, why is it done?
- Testing/ calibrating transformer pressure gauges
- What's wrong with this picture?
- Have you ever used a Fluke 1750 power analyzer?
- Transformer vector group test procedure
- Windining Resistance value Tolerance limit of dry transformer??
- Dry Tranformer Turns Ratio
- Vacuum Circuit Breaker
- VCB Contact Resistance
- VCB Contact Timing Test (11KV)
- Training program guidelines
- Reactive Power (KVAR)
- Transformer Oil Pressure when Power Factor Testing
- Tan / Delta or Power Factor Testing of Dry Type Transformer
- how to perform insulation resistance test on three phase transformer
- how to perform winding resistance test on transformer
- Gas Insulated Switchgear
- Megger testing technique questions
- Molded Case Circuit Breakers
- Testing Solid Dielectric Cable
- Primary current injection 138kV breaker with bushing CT's
- Megger Free Webinars
- EATON Magnum DS Switchgear – CT Shorting Block Design Flaw
- Circuit Breaker Grounding Cart Testing
- Reason for getting high earth fault loop impedance Ze
- No current display when testing EATON IQ 100 panel meter
- Broken Arc Resistance Tester
- NETA Test Decal
- Thoughts on IEM Equipment?
- Rating plug removal prior to dielectric testing
- Motor Auto transformer
- Which Circuit Breakers Should Have Test according to NETA
- Clamp on ammeter recommendations
- LTC Control Cabinet Test
- Primary Current Injection Test
- Ultrasonic testing of MV switchgear <20dB requirement?
- VLF vs AC HiPot
- Fluke 1750 PQM data loss after utility switching operations
- Fluke 1735 PQM: Erroneous Current Readings in Power Log Software (Firmware Conflict)
- Circuit Breaker Control Circuits Quick Reference Sheet (Time Saver)
- Ground Impedance Testing
- 55gal oil drum sample techniques
- Easy method for ground fault testing EATON 310 and 310+ trip units
- Power Factor 15kV Vac Breakers
- 480V 2000A Bus - Hipot
- 5,000A Magnum SB Ground Fault verification
- Do you break one of the connections on a delta for winding resistance?
- long time delay primary injection testing
- Battery Bank Maintenance
- Unbalance volrage mesurements of 63Kv power transformer(pt)
- Tan Delta
- Step up transformer vector group
- zig zag xmfr
- Primary Current Injection instantenous Pickup
- ATS Controller Display Screen Corrupted
- Ground Study effects
- When To Conduct Resistance Testing on Utility Feeders?
- Dry-Type Transformer Testing
- Transformer power factor under vacuum
- Seismic Controls Testing
- Ground Fault Exemptions
- Infrared Laser Thermometers
- Electrical Single Line Question
- Transformer neutral connection
- What test reporting software are you using?
- Schrader valve size for Padmount Transformer
- Surge arrestor test for 60 cycle spark over and hold
- Keeping NETA Certification
- VLF Test Ratings
- Standard low-voltage circuit breakers
- Has anyone seen an oil sample port that looks like this?
- MVT Plus to AC Pro Trip Unit Settings Conversion
- Free courses on the basics of breaker testing?
- Help identify this surplus electrical equipment
- How do you Defeat Ground Fault with Primary Injection on Eaton 310+? Trip Unit
- PCB Transformer Inspection
- Gen Breakers Failed to close just "Click"
- Transformer ester oil vs mineral differences?
- What’s the best way to operate power dB
- 12,470V Terms with Corona
- Fluke Leads with alligator clip recommendations
- Best meter to keep on hand?
- Tan Delta versus Partial Discharge testing on cables
- How do you Primary inject the neutral of a 4 pole circuit breaker?
- Functional Test Procedures for sudden pressure/rapid rise relays
- Megger Insulation Tester 'UNC' Error
- SF-6 gas analyzers, which is most common?
- Should we be checking DLRO on Motor Starter fuses or not?
- Contact Resistance testing of BUS, difference between test currents 10A VS 100A
- What are your thoughts on PEARL?
- LV Breaker time curves calculators
- Difference between molded case and insulated case circuit breaker?
- Does anyone know a good source for online training?
- Breaking capacities of circuit breaker
- Omicron Test Equipment vs Others
- Guidenace to ETT certification
- Injection Testing - DC Breakers
- Doble Testing a Bushing: C2 reading higher than nameplate
- How to verify MV Cable Test Reports?
- Neutral CT testing with no nameplate data
- Power Transformers VS. Distribution Transformers
- C-Bridge and Temperature Below Zero
- 330kV Bushing PF values higher than benchmark
- 3 Phase Scott-T transformers operation manual
- Surge arrester testing(34.5kv, 161kv, 330kv)
- How To Defeat Ground On A Siemens Disparador 555
- Load tap changer location
- What is the best TTR for 3 phase transformers?
- Partial Discharge/ Tan Delta Standard Operation Procedure
- Lightning arrester selection: how should I decide the nominal discharge current?
- Free Classes During the Pandemic
- Transformers with no pressure gauge - Nitrogen blanket
- How to test Pre-Insertion Resistor Time and grading capacitor
- Digitrip 310+ Test Kit - How to Remove the dummy connector?
- Looking for a circuit breaker timing analyzer
- Insulation resistance with PI on a motor
- NETA Governance and Influence
- What is the proper formula for 3 phase turns ratio?
- Current Transformer Ratio and Excitation Testing
- Taping Medium Voltage Cable Terminations
- Voltage Transformer Burden Measurement
- Does NETA Specify 300% for Breaker Testing?
- Transformer Nameplate, where is H1 and H3 located?
- 15kv vacuum breaker maintenance hipot test voltage
- VCB with high DLRO reading
- New ESA for testing in patient care areas
- Low voltage cable minimum megohm value per NETA MTS
- Learning how to primary current inject breakers
- Fall-Of-Potential and Rainfall
- Panelboard Acceptance Testing per NETA
- Eaton RGH65K circuit breaker ground fault test
- Ground defeat digitrip 1150+ on Mag Ds
- Holes in 22KV Busbar
- Testing heaters for thermal overload
- Doble M4000 Temp Sensor Help
- Primary Injection Minimum Breaker Size As Per NETA
- Question on Ground Resistance Testing Methods
- 13.8KV Lightning Arrester
- CT PT Tester switching device fatal error code
- Why I need change the reference value of an High Potential test depends if is AC/DC?
- Transformer Winding Resistance
- Understanding How CTs Work
- Electronic Molded Case CB Test Data ?
- Connecting cables for VLF test
- Labeling conductor in relay/ct/scada cabinets
- Transformer Winding Resistance
- Determine the RMS amplitude of the squarewave signal.
- The worst power factor results you have experienced
- Flir C3-X Compact Thermal Camera
- Dielectric Testing ASTM D1816
- Testing 3 phase fan motors
- Collinite Cleaners: Which do you use?
- Disconnect Fuse Switch Testing
- Hipot on VR MV Vacuum Breaker
- VLF Dead break terminations - 21.1kv test voltage recommendations
- Acceptance test of MV cable
- Megger error 10
- Dry Type Transformer Winding Failure After Energizing
- 200kv circuit breaker withstand test advice
- Delta vs wye transformer advantages and disadvantages
- VLF on 35kV cable won't start while one phase is connected to MV transfomer
- Eaton Magnum DS secondary block pin/socket type
- Testing into open breaker with line energized.
- VLF Application Questions
- Half-Trip Ground Fault Testing
- I'm looking for the best partial discharge training.
- Dry type XMFR - 7.5kV rated cable in a 25kV system?
- Adding power formula? help please.
- UL Lightning Protection Journeyman Certification
- Transformer (XFMR) Sweep Frequency Analysis
- DFR & ITC of Dry Type Xfmrs?