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  1. Do You Ever Grease Circuit Breaker Contacts?
  2. X0 bond strap
  3. Saturation test of a 1500/5 multi-ratio CT
  4. Phasing a Tie Circuit Breaker
  5. winding resistance tolerance for a transformer test
  6. Testing spec calls for low-resistance "Megger Testing" to inspect for high resistance
  7. Tips for Westinghouse DH breakers that trip free or won’t close
  8. Cooling fans won’t stop running on transformer secondary side??
  9. AC millivolt test on battery banks
  10. TTR on K type transformer
  11. Can anyone recommend some good DLRO leads/test probes?
  12. NETA and Public Utilities: Are testing requirements the same?
  13. How to secondary test Square D PowerPact H/J/L frame CB's with Micrologic 3/5/6 ETU
  14. Easy way to calculate transformer fault current
  15. Expected contact resistance measurement based on breaker frame size
  16. winding resistance tester and CPC 100
  17. Transformer winding resistance, balance ?
  18. Cable hi-pot withstanding time, why 15 minutes?
  19. Regulated voltage for powering up test sets?
  20. GE AK breaker intermittent nuisance tripping of bell alarm lockout
  21. Amprobe DM-III -- Helpful tips for downloading data from PQ mode
  22. Help understanding 3 phase electrical systems
  23. What methods do you use for corona suppression when testing cable?
  24. A basic question (with different answers)
  25. Important tip for measuring secondary current with AEMC PEL data logger
  26. Solar PV Systems Testing
  27. Fall of Potential Test - Voltage/Resistance Rises Dramatically
  28. Westinghouse DS-206 complete dis-assembly in less than 10 minutes
  29. Need help understanding test values for insulation resistance (NETA Table 100.1)
  30. What is the minimum test duration for a VLF acceptance test on MV cable?
  32. Testing ground fault reduced voltage and blocking capability
  33. How hard is it to get new test equipment at your company?
  34. Problem running ratio test with Megger multitap CT test set
  35. Overpotential test voltage for low-voltage switchgear
  36. Contact resistance tester doesn't display any reading
  37. When you don't even need an IR camera to find the hot spot...
  38. 230kV Auto-Transformer (Insulation Resistance Test)
  39. Should I HIPOT before or after other tests?
  40. Contact resistance critera/passing range (low voltage air circuit breakers)
  41. Ripple Test of OLTC Auto-Transformer using Omicron CPC-100
  42. Correct procedure for de-magnetizing transformer cores
  43. Do you always pull circuit breaker arc chutes?
  44. Is there a field test for Fuses to determine how they will perform?
  45. Help me understand how a megger works
  46. Having trouble with Omicron CT analyzer
  47. Moisture criteria of SF6 Gas at NETA Standard Table 100.13
  48. EATON Magnum DS with Digitrip 1150+ showing "TRIP" on the display
  49. Surge Arrestor vs. Surge Suppressor, What's the difference?
  50. Is possible to get an accurate resistance measurement using a Digital Earth Tester?
  51. Partial Discharge Data Interpretation
  52. Neta Certs...why are they valid?
  53. Sizing equipment grounding conductors for voltage drop
  54. EATON Magnum DS tripping free? Give this mechanism spring a check.
  55. Broken Spring Charge Indicator (DS and DSL Circuit Breakers) - How to Fix
  56. Recommended Industry Training?
  57. How to locate harmonic currents?
  58. Should I fail this transformer?
  59. What test set or method you are using for testing turns ratio on CCVTs?
  60. Testing liquid filled transformers with load break bushings
  61. TVRMS2 digital link open with CB in Test Position (Epic MVT)
  62. Helpful tips for testing Siemens SB-EC trip units (SBS circuit breakers)
  63. Testing ground resistance with no earth to drive rods
  64. How to Test Breaker through Current Injection Tester ?
  65. How to read the Time Current Characterstics
  66. How to read American Electrical Diagrams
  67. Megger Insulation Tester "br.d" Error Code
  68. ARC FLash and Short Circuit Coordination Study
  69. DC Battery Bank charger outputting too much AC
  70. Neutral CT testing with ground bond
  71. Fall-of-potential C2 distance
  72. Ground Resistance Testing IT System
  73. How often do you check your test leads?
  74. training for low voltage circuit breaker testing
  75. what do the different gases mean when taking an oil sample?
  76. Use of standard CT and PT while testing a given CT and PT
  77. Ground fault pickup test for 120V GFCI circuit breaker (How-to)
  78. IR scanning UPS modules
  79. Shorting transformer windings for PI, why is it done?
  80. Testing/ calibrating transformer pressure gauges
  81. What's wrong with this picture?
  83. Have you ever used a Fluke 1750 power analyzer?
  84. Transformer vector group test procedure
  85. Windining Resistance value Tolerance limit of dry transformer??
  86. Dry Tranformer Turns Ratio
  87. Vacuum Circuit Breaker
  88. VCB Contact Resistance
  89. VCB Contact Timing Test (11KV)
  90. Training program guidelines
  91. Reactive Power (KVAR)
  92. Transformer Oil Pressure when Power Factor Testing
  93. Tan / Delta or Power Factor Testing of Dry Type Transformer
  94. how to perform insulation resistance test on three phase transformer
  95. how to perform winding resistance test on transformer
  96. Gas Insulated Switchgear
  97. Megger testing technique questions
  98. Molded Case Circuit Breakers
  99. Testing Solid Dielectric Cable
  100. Primary current injection 138kV breaker with bushing CT's
  101. Megger Free Webinars
  102. EATON Magnum DS Switchgear – CT Shorting Block Design Flaw
  103. Circuit Breaker Grounding Cart Testing
  104. Reason for getting high earth fault loop impedance Ze
  105. No current display when testing EATON IQ 100 panel meter
  106. Broken Arc Resistance Tester
  107. NETA Test Decal
  108. Thoughts on IEM Equipment?
  109. Rating plug removal prior to dielectric testing
  110. Motor Auto transformer
  111. Which Circuit Breakers Should Have Test according to NETA
  112. Clamp on ammeter recommendations
  113. LTC Control Cabinet Test
  114. Primary Current Injection Test
  115. Ultrasonic testing of MV switchgear <20dB requirement?
  116. VLF vs AC HiPot
  117. Fluke 1750 PQM data loss after utility switching operations
  118. Fluke 1735 PQM: Erroneous Current Readings in Power Log Software (Firmware Conflict)
  119. Circuit Breaker Control Circuits Quick Reference Sheet (Time Saver)
  120. Ground Impedance Testing
  121. 55gal oil drum sample techniques
  122. Easy method for ground fault testing EATON 310 and 310+ trip units
  123. Power Factor 15kV Vac Breakers
  124. 480V 2000A Bus - Hipot
  125. 5,000A Magnum SB Ground Fault verification
  126. Do you break one of the connections on a delta for winding resistance?
  127. long time delay primary injection testing
  128. Battery Bank Maintenance
  129. Unbalance volrage mesurements of 63Kv power transformer(pt)
  130. Tan Delta
  131. Step up transformer vector group
  132. zig zag xmfr
  133. Primary Current Injection instantenous Pickup
  134. ATS Controller Display Screen Corrupted
  135. Ground Study effects
  136. When To Conduct Resistance Testing on Utility Feeders?
  137. Dry-Type Transformer Testing
  138. Transformer power factor under vacuum
  139. Seismic Controls Testing
  140. Ground Fault Exemptions
  141. Infrared Laser Thermometers
  142. Electrical Single Line Question
  143. Transformer neutral connection
  144. What test reporting software are you using?
  145. Schrader valve size for Padmount Transformer
  146. Surge arrestor test for 60 cycle spark over and hold
  147. Keeping NETA Certification
  148. VLF Test Ratings
  149. Standard low-voltage circuit breakers
  150. Has anyone seen an oil sample port that looks like this?
  151. MVT Plus to AC Pro Trip Unit Settings Conversion
  152. Free courses on the basics of breaker testing?
  153. Help identify this surplus electrical equipment
  154. How do you Defeat Ground Fault with Primary Injection on Eaton 310+? Trip Unit
  155. PCB Transformer Inspection
  156. Gen Breakers Failed to close just "Click"
  157. Transformer ester oil vs mineral differences?
  158. What’s the best way to operate power dB
  159. 12,470V Terms with Corona
  160. Fluke Leads with alligator clip recommendations
  161. Best meter to keep on hand?
  162. Tan Delta versus Partial Discharge testing on cables
  163. How do you Primary inject the neutral of a 4 pole circuit breaker?
  164. Functional Test Procedures for sudden pressure/rapid rise relays
  165. Megger Insulation Tester 'UNC' Error
  166. SF-6 gas analyzers, which is most common?
  167. Should we be checking DLRO on Motor Starter fuses or not?
  168. Contact Resistance testing of BUS, difference between test currents 10A VS 100A
  169. What are your thoughts on PEARL?
  170. LV Breaker time curves calculators
  171. Difference between molded case and insulated case circuit breaker?
  172. Does anyone know a good source for online training?
  173. Breaking capacities of circuit breaker
  174. Omicron Test Equipment vs Others
  175. Guidenace to ETT certification
  176. Injection Testing - DC Breakers
  177. Doble Testing a Bushing: C2 reading higher than nameplate
  178. How to verify MV Cable Test Reports?
  179. Neutral CT testing with no nameplate data
  180. Power Transformers VS. Distribution Transformers
  181. C-Bridge and Temperature Below Zero
  182. 330kV Bushing PF values higher than benchmark
  183. 3 Phase Scott-T transformers operation manual
  184. Surge arrester testing(34.5kv, 161kv, 330kv)
  185. How To Defeat Ground On A Siemens Disparador 555
  186. Load tap changer location
  187. What is the best TTR for 3 phase transformers?
  188. Partial Discharge/ Tan Delta Standard Operation Procedure
  189. Lightning arrester selection: how should I decide the nominal discharge current?
  190. Free Classes During the Pandemic
  191. Transformers with no pressure gauge - Nitrogen blanket
  192. How to test Pre-Insertion Resistor Time and grading capacitor
  193. Digitrip 310+ Test Kit - How to Remove the dummy connector?
  194. Looking for a circuit breaker timing analyzer
  195. Insulation resistance with PI on a motor
  196. NETA Governance and Influence
  197. What is the proper formula for 3 phase turns ratio?
  198. Current Transformer Ratio and Excitation Testing
  199. Taping Medium Voltage Cable Terminations
  200. Voltage Transformer Burden Measurement
  201. Does NETA Specify 300% for Breaker Testing?
  202. Transformer Nameplate, where is H1 and H3 located?
  203. 15kv vacuum breaker maintenance hipot test voltage
  204. VCB with high DLRO reading
  205. New ESA for testing in patient care areas
  206. Low voltage cable minimum megohm value per NETA MTS
  207. Learning how to primary current inject breakers
  208. Fall-Of-Potential and Rainfall
  209. Panelboard Acceptance Testing per NETA
  210. Eaton RGH65K circuit breaker ground fault test
  211. Ground defeat digitrip 1150+ on Mag Ds
  212. Holes in 22KV Busbar
  213. Testing heaters for thermal overload
  214. Doble M4000 Temp Sensor Help
  215. Primary Injection Minimum Breaker Size As Per NETA
  216. Question on Ground Resistance Testing Methods
  217. 13.8KV Lightning Arrester
  218. CT PT Tester switching device fatal error code
  219. Why I need change the reference value of an High Potential test depends if is AC/DC?
  220. Transformer Winding Resistance
  221. Understanding How CTs Work
  222. Electronic Molded Case CB Test Data ?
  223. Connecting cables for VLF test
  224. Labeling conductor in relay/ct/scada cabinets
  225. Transformer Winding Resistance
  226. Determine the RMS amplitude of the squarewave signal.
  227. The worst power factor results you have experienced
  228. Flir C3-X Compact Thermal Camera
  229. Dielectric Testing ASTM D1816
  230. Testing 3 phase fan motors
  231. Collinite Cleaners: Which do you use?
  232. Disconnect Fuse Switch Testing
  233. Hipot on VR MV Vacuum Breaker
  234. VLF Dead break terminations - 21.1kv test voltage recommendations
  235. Acceptance test of MV cable
  236. Megger error 10
  237. Dry Type Transformer Winding Failure After Energizing
  238. 200kv circuit breaker withstand test advice
  239. Delta vs wye transformer advantages and disadvantages
  240. VLF on 35kV cable won't start while one phase is connected to MV transfomer
  241. Eaton Magnum DS secondary block pin/socket type
  242. Testing into open breaker with line energized.
  243. VLF Application Questions
  244. Half-Trip Ground Fault Testing
  245. I'm looking for the best partial discharge training.
  246. Dry type XMFR - 7.5kV rated cable in a 25kV system?
  247. Adding power formula? help please.
  248. UL Lightning Protection Journeyman Certification
  249. Transformer (XFMR) Sweep Frequency Analysis
  250. DFR & ITC of Dry Type Xfmrs?