View Full Version : Important Notice of Major Service Upgrade Planned for 2023

June 14, 2022, 12:18 PM
For over a decade it has been our mission at TestGuy to provide the best resources and software tools available for field technicians, and now the time has come to start preparing for the future with a major service upgrade and improved user experience.

Technology is changing at a rapid pace, and we face challenges each year with keeping our systems up to date and free from spam. While our current platform has served us well, its getting old, clunky, and slowly reaching end of life.

To continue our mission for years to come, its clear we need to build the next version of TestGuy from the ground up, utilizing modern open source web technologies. TestGuy BETA (https://beta.testguy.net/) is now here with an enhanced Pro App (https://app.testguy.net/) and better ways to communicate (https://wiki.testguy.net/).

Some items you can expect in the upcoming release include:

New Practice Exam features and upgrades - https://app.testguy.net/
Expanded tech quiz database
Ability to save practice exam results to your dashboard
Updated study guide for 2022
Additional electronic test forms
Better community and discussion tools - https://wiki.testguy.net/
Enhanced tech library and documents center - https://wiki.testguy.net/docs
Streamlined navigation
Updated and refreshed content
Native Math Support
Improved Subscription manager
Authentication by Google
Modern web stack and greater scalability

Preview the future homepage here: https://beta.testguy.net/

What does all this mean for you?

Not much at first, but transitions can be difficult for some users. All of our existing systems will remain in place during the BETA test but will eventually be phased out after a sufficient number of members have migrated over to the new system. All future development on TestGuy (including exam questions and tech library) will take place on the new platform as we move forward.

Will my existing TestGuy account work on the BETA platform?

No. Because we are building from the ground up, our entire architecture has changed and native accounts will soon be replaced with Authentication by Google. This requires that you connect with TestGuy apps and services using a Google account. Its perhaps the biggest and most difficult change for some, but the benefits far outweigh the inconvenience of starting fresh. You can learn more about this change here: https://wiki.testguy.net/t/user-accounts-and-how-to-sign-up/206

Will my current Pro Subscription work on the new apps?

Yes but all new subscriptions will soon take place on the new app. Existing subscribers may enable weekly BETA subscriptions for free by connecting with your Pro Account from within the app. Community features (like custom profile and permissions) can only be upgraded based on your participation level.

Can I import my old exam scores to BETA?

Yes, we can import your existing exam scores to BETA after connecting your Google account, by request. When you contact support, be sure to also ask about how you can extend your existing subscription for free as a thank you for trying the new platform! (Ends 9/30)

What will happen to existing user reputation?

We highly value our regular members and those who have built strong reputations within the community over the years. To have your user level upgraded and unlock additional community features on the new platform, simply contact support@testguy.net and we will review your current account.

What will happen to the existing forums?

After the initial testing and some time for public feedback, users will slowly be directed over to the BETA discussion platform. At a date yet to be determined, any conversations on TestGuy Classic will be closed and archived; All new discussions will need to take place on BETA. The old threads will be archived and made available for reference at a later date.

What if something goes wrong during the rollout?

To help reduce risk of a total collapse, all of our existing systems will remain untouched while we rollout BETA. In the unfortunate event of unexpected catastrophe during the transition, existing infrastructure will still be available. After a sufficient amount of time on the BETA platform (perhaps years), the old system will eventually be retired.

What happens next?

Time will be needed for everyone to explore and provide feedback on the new system while we monitor metrics and fix any bugs. Once the BETA apps have been functioning without error for a sufficient amount of users, we will start to close off old areas of the site.

TestGuy BETA Roadmap:

Research and development - Done
Admin Testing phase - Done
Control group testing phase - Done
Public roadmap release - Done
Transition users and redirect existing content to BETA (September 2022) - Done
Switch out homepage and redirect archives (In Progress)
Close and archive existing conversation (estimated December 2022)

Your Feedback is Important

We greatly value your thoughts on shaping the future of TestGuy. After giving the apps a try, please let us know what you think.