View Full Version : How hard is the NETA level 3 test compared to level 2?

June 22, 2015, 09:49 AM
how much harder is the neta 3 in comparison to the neta 2 test?

June 22, 2015, 01:33 PM
how much harder is the neta 3 in comparison to the neta 2 test?

Some say the NETA 3 is easier than NETA 2.

June 23, 2015, 07:03 PM
Some say the NETA 3 is easier than NETA 2.

by the looks of these level III practice exams level III seems to be a lot tougher than level II

June 23, 2015, 07:27 PM
From personal experience I can say that the level 3 is way harder than the 2.

June 26, 2015, 03:09 PM
From personal experience I can say that the level 3 is way harder than the 2.

thanks for that encouraging input lol. Seriously thanks, good to know. Going to have to hit the books hard if i want to pass first time around.

June 26, 2015, 05:04 PM
lol sorry dude, I was just being real with you. Do the practice exams and study up on the questions you get wrong. Don't just try to find the answer, take the time to research and learn more about the topic rather than just what the question is asking. If you do this you will surely pass the first time. Give a shout if you need any help. Good luck!

thanks for that encouraging input lol. Seriously thanks, good to know. Going to have to hit the books hard if i want to pass first time around.

June 27, 2015, 10:01 AM
lol sorry dude, I was just being real with you. Do the practice exams and study up on the questions you get wrong. Don't just try to find the answer, take the time to research and learn more about the topic rather than just what the question is asking. If you do this you will surely pass the first time. Give a shout if you need any help. Good luck!

No worries, i dont like things sugar coated and appreciate the help!

June 29, 2015, 04:05 PM
are there any areas i should focus on for the level III exam? the practice exams seem pretty broad on information to cover, or is that what i should expect on the real exam?

Kimbo Slice
June 29, 2015, 04:25 PM
are there any areas i should focus on for the level III exam? the practice exams seem pretty broad on information to cover, or is that what i should expect on the real exam?

Are you taking the level III soon?

June 29, 2015, 04:27 PM
Check out this thread for the official NETA Level III exam category list from 2000 -> http://testguy.net/threads/1295-NETA-Level-3-Category-List-Spring-2000 It may be 15 years old but it can give you an idea of how the test is structured. They might throw anywhere from one to three questions from each category at you in any combination, I think all of the tests are different.

the practice exams seem pretty broad on information to cover, or is that what i should expect on the real exam?

June 29, 2015, 06:47 PM
Are you taking the level III soon?

yes at the end of july.

Kimbo Slice
June 29, 2015, 06:54 PM
yes at the end of july.

Good luck Mike!!

July 1, 2015, 06:28 PM
Check out this thread for the official NETA Level III exam category list from 2000 -> http://testguy.net/threads/1295-NETA-Level-3-Category-List-Spring-2000 It may be 15 years old but it can give you an idea of how the test is structured. They might throw anywhere from one to three questions from each category at you in any combination, I think all of the tests are different.

yea im sure every test is different but looks look like a good base in areas to study. appreciate the help. thanks!

July 8, 2015, 07:26 AM
Having taken both tests i feel the level 3 was much harder than 2. I failed level 3 the first time by 2 questions, i retake it July 30. Good luck to you!

July 8, 2015, 06:57 PM
are the questions on the practice test similar to the real thing? i am taking a level 2 test Monday and am curious about these practice exams..

July 10, 2015, 05:03 PM
level 2 is very similar to the practice tests in my experience...level 3 i saw some of the the same questions as practice tests, but maybe only 5-10 tops.

July 11, 2015, 06:24 AM
Do you remember any of the other 60 questions that you didn't see on the practice test? I will be taking my level 3 test soon.

level 2 is very similar to the practice tests in my experience...level 3 i saw some of the the same questions as practice tests, but maybe only 5-10 tops.

July 29, 2015, 05:39 PM
I would say it depends on your background. I agree that it is a lot harder than Level II. I have been in system protection and control (relay) for 33+ years and I failed the NETA III test the first time. I never did any cable testing, nor did I do any insulation testing of equipment, or test switch gear. I have always worked for a Utility company and now am retired from the utility and working as a relay contractor. I would say the test is about 10% relay and the rest cable testing, equipment testing, etc. As a contractor, I am required to get NETA III certified. I am still only doing relay work. I have to memorize all the stuff that I will never use or do to get NETA III certified. NETA III should be more specialized and have separate certifications for relay.

July 30, 2015, 08:47 AM
It has almost everything to do with your background and field experience. If you are someone who doesn't get the opportunity to do a wide array of testing the NETA Level III can prove to be very challenging. With that said, I have seen guys who don't even know how to operate a relay test set pass their first try.

July 30, 2015, 10:47 AM
Yes sir madMax, that is exactly my point. There is not enough relay questions to relay "certify" someone as a NETA III relay technician. I passed the NETA III this morning but only due to a lot of "memorizing" codes and specs of things I have never worked on or really know anything about..............but, hey now I R certified NETA level III to come in and work on something I am still nowhere near qualified to work on. I can do just about anything associated with relays, new and old. Could I go out and test cables in front of a client and present an image that the client feels good because he requested me due to my NETA III certification? Absolutely not! It is the same with a NETA III certified relay technician. When I interview candidates for relay work and they tell me they are NETA certified, I just laugh and say "and how does that impress me?"

So basically, if you are good at memorization, have the time to take about 30 - 40 practice exams (yes, by the way, they absolutely help and are great study material), then you could pass and really never have worked in the industry other than you having to sign the statement that you have at least 5 years of experience in the industry.

Oh well!!!

July 30, 2015, 10:57 AM
Do you remember any of the other 60 questions that you didn't see on the practice test? I will be taking my level 3 test soon.

I will tell you that you need to take at least 15 or 20 practice exams to see a good bit of questions. I took the actual NETA III exam this morning and passed. I took probably 12 practice tests, plus reviewed my results of all of my level II practice tests and was very thankful I did. I did see some new questions, but to my surprise and delight, I had already seen the majority of the same questions in the practice exams.

I recommend you review the tables regarding insulation testing of equipment, cables, and transformers. Know your insulated glove classes and color. Be familiar with arc flash boundaries and qualified employee. Read up on phase sequence relays (47), distance/impedance relays (21), and general overcurrent relays (51). They tend to like those the most.

Then just keep taking the practice exams over and over. I think this is the best study path for most. Good luck when you do take the level III exam.

January 17, 2019, 01:11 PM
how much harder is the neta 3 in comparison to the neta 2 test?

I've been told that it has roughly a 20-30% passing rate.

January 23, 2019, 12:41 PM
how much harder is the neta 3 in comparison to the neta 2 test?

If you are prepared both are about the same. I had to re-certify after being away from NETA for 17 years and took 2 and then 3 a testing cycle apart, and they were comparable to what the practice quizzes are here were focused on. Level 4 next week.....that might end my streak...

January 23, 2019, 03:23 PM
If you are prepared both are about the same. I had to re-certify after being away from NETA for 17 years and took 2 and then 3 a testing cycle apart, and they were comparable to what the practice quizzes are here were focused on. Level 4 next week.....that might end my streak...

Wow, 17 years. How much different were the tests back then?

January 24, 2019, 08:44 AM
Wow, 17 years. How much different were the tests back then?

In the early 90's, there was no Level II test, it was really just like Level I. There was only 1 test and I would say it would be a combination of LevelIII/LevelIV today. IT had a lot more of the NETA tech quiz questions back then. If you got 75% or better you passed and were Level III. If you got 90% or higher, you got Level IV. And after 10 years of Level III, you just became Level IV. That change in the late 90's to where you had to pass the test with 90% to get Level IV (they ended the grandfathering up to Level IV). Man, did that piss some people off who were at 9 years and 8 months. I was at 8 years, and I was not happy.

January 31, 2019, 02:23 PM
any other study guide location besides the neta world and here

January 31, 2019, 02:32 PM
I try to read the neta ats/mts on the thrown. Helps at work and it seems like some guys say some test questions are straight from the tables.