View Full Version : NETA III exam changed significantly

February 2, 2016, 02:16 PM
NETA III exam changed a lot since the last exam cycle.

It seems that testguy need to update the questions as well to keep it useful and relevant.

February 2, 2016, 05:17 PM
New level III exam is much different to what you have here or to the previous exam version.
one question pops in my mind is
gas turbine generator running in parallel with utility and then trips on 32R. Why? I can't remember what are the multiple choice were.
There were 80%-85% questions that I have never seen in TestGuy or previous test at all. Plus the exam proctored differently now and the formula sheet is also different.

February 2, 2016, 05:28 PM
New level III exam is much different to what you have here or to the previous exam version.
one question pops in my mind is
gas turbine generator running in parallel with utility and then trips on 32R. Why? I can't remember what are the multiple choice were.
There were 80%-85% questions that I have never seen in TestGuy or previous test at all. Plus the exam proctored differently now and the formula sheet is also different.

I agree. The new revised 2016 (I heard they just revised the tests) test is way different than what it's in here.

February 2, 2016, 05:55 PM
I agree. The new revised 2016 (I heard they just revised the tests) test is way different than what it's in here.

What did they change? I have to retake my test this year. When I took the test last year it was similar to what is on this site.

February 2, 2016, 06:46 PM
when did you take the exam?

February 2, 2016, 06:49 PM
Today 2-2-16

February 2, 2016, 06:53 PM
how did it go? was this your first time taking the level 3? I will be taking my test for the first time soon and am very nervous. you say it is much different that makes me more nervous.

February 10, 2016, 03:33 PM
New level III exam is much different to what you have here or to the previous exam version.
one question pops in my mind is
gas turbine generator running in parallel with utility and then trips on 32R. Why? I can't remember what are the multiple choice were.
There were 80%-85% questions that I have never seen in TestGuy or previous test at all. Plus the exam proctored differently now and the formula sheet is also different.

There is a similar question related to generator tripping on 32R in the practice test pool, it's just not worded the same. This question is being discussed here -> http://testguy.net/threads/947-What-would-cause-a-generator-to-trip-on-32R

February 13, 2016, 04:09 PM
Test guy is only suppose to be used as a reference in some ways,you should not try to remember the answers from the questions on these practice test.That is not a way to learn in our type of work,you need to have hands on and work with experience people then you can learn and not need to remember the questions and answers.We have a guy that been with us about two years and he is doing the same thing ,but you can tell what he knows when he is in the field by himself and nothing gets done.

July 22, 2016, 09:57 AM
I just took my NETA III today and none of the questions on the actual test was like the questions on Testguy. I have been using Testguy to study and I felt confidant walking into take the test but now im not even sure if I passed and there were 100 questions not 72. I think if you are going to take the NETA III you should use the NETA IV to study.

July 23, 2016, 08:46 AM
They said in another thread that neta wont give you test results for 4-6 weeks. What happens at the end of the test, do they show you the percentage correct for each category?

July 25, 2016, 10:58 AM
They said in another thread that neta wont give you test results for 4-6 weeks. What happens at the end of the test, do they show you the percentage correct for each category?

Yes that is what they did. you don't know if you passed for 4-6 weeks. so I don't know if I passed or not.... fingers crossed hopefully I did!

July 25, 2016, 01:13 PM
You can guess your score based on the category breakdown, just average it out. Sucks you gotta wait 4-6 weeks for official word.

July 25, 2016, 02:48 PM
Has anyone seen the new formula sheet or have a copy they can email? Looking to know what references we can use for the exam. Thanks.

July 26, 2016, 11:48 AM

I attached the letter they gave me at the end there was not a category breakdown

July 26, 2016, 12:19 PM
Wow. They literally tell you nothing, thanks for posting that. The last time I took the test it told you at the end whether or not you passed but it wouldn't give you a score. Instead it would give you a percentage for each category we would use that to figure out our scores. There was also a web cam at the test station which I found to be kind of creepy.

July 27, 2016, 07:03 PM
Here are my thoughts regarding the test:

1. Bookmark option did not work during the test (it was working on the 7 questions practice). I choose to leave the questions unanswered (white) to be able to review them later.

2. The on screen calculator
- needs to scroll up/down and left/right
- It doesn’t work from the keyboard so only option I had is to use the mouse.
- If you click to fast the digit doesn’t appear to the screen (example for 1500 will be 150 if you double click to fast on 0)
- The deg/rad selection is on the bottom (hidden if you don’t scroll down)
- The calculator doesn’t show the separator (100000 vs 100,000) so I spent important time counting the zeros on screen.
- The calculator doesn’t clear when start a new operation (if the result is 20+80=100 and if you try to type a new calculus example 52 then you will see 10052 on screen because YOU CAN TYPE over the last result).

3. There is no way to zoom in/out the screen. The text is too small and not easy to read.

4. 100 questions in 120 minutes. Ridiculous!!! The average for one question is 72 seconds.
- The language used on some questions is not clear. It was confusing and fancy academic.
- Many questions implied advance calculus
- Many questions are too long and the answers too.
- There is a question with a detailed breaker schematic that is blurry on screen like a low resolution jpeg impossible to read. And you still need to scroll up/down to see the schematic and the answers.

5. About the PSU (Portland State University) testing room
a. The front desk personnel needed 15 minutes to spell right my username and to type the password.
b. The room was to small and too many computer cubicles ocupied. Every 2-3 minutes somebody was in or out of the room.
c. They provide ear muffins but nothing to clean with.
d. The room wormed up at the beginning, somebody complain IT IS TOO HOT after that the AC was too low and the fan too fast. This is not all: SOMEBODY JUST FART.

I’ve got 32 questions answered in first 60 min. SHOOT. I start skipping the questions with calculus. I had 10 min left and more 20 questions to review. I spent the last three minutes to guess on more than 10 questions.

BTW the test was too complicated for the computer too. It couldn’t calculate the score!!!

July 31, 2016, 02:22 PM
NETA III exam changed a lot since the last exam cycle.

It seems that testguy need to update the questions as well to keep it useful and relevant.

Took level 3 last Friday, exam changed significantly.... 100 questions , 1hr 30 min to answer and I did not come across any questions from TestGuy study guide. The exam looked like it was formatted for Electrical engineers and not field techs.

lester mcmanaway
October 27, 2016, 04:40 PM
taking my test tomorrow.....not feeling to great about it after reading these.. did it really take a month to get an answer if you passed or not?

lester mcmanaway
October 29, 2016, 02:50 AM
My 2cents, took the 3 yesterday and I took it 3 cycles ago just before the change. It is most definitely more difficult aside from having just over a minute a question there is a lot of new material. Scoring is from 200-500 , 410 is passing. Got my results and score immediately (unfortunately 386 isn't passing). I've started putting together questions I can recall for the most part. Once I get a final draft on them I will share them. Definitely seen a lot more long math equations on this test. You need to be 100% on all the different series and parallel circuit math, capacitive,reactive, etc. I can figure them out but wasn't fluent enough to nail all the equations in a minute. The new formula sheet is posted on NETA's website now also(I don't recall it being there before) it's the exact same one I was given. They also have the on screen calculator you use on their website, you can give it a test drive.

November 2, 2016, 12:52 AM
Thanks a lot for sharing this awesome information

November 2, 2016, 01:57 PM
How do you find the formula sheet and calculator on the NETA website?

The new formula sheet is posted on NETA's website now also(I don't recall it being there before) it's the exact same one I was given. They also have the on screen calculator you use on their website, you can give it a test drive.

lester mcmanaway
November 3, 2016, 10:11 AM
How do you find the formula sheet and calculator on the NETA website?


If you go to the NETA website and click on the certification tab the drop down has the calculator and the formulae sheet

June 6, 2017, 02:38 PM
It's been a while since the exam changed. Have any of the new questions been added to these practice tests?

September 15, 2017, 11:17 AM
It's been a while since the exam changed. Have any of the new questions been added to these practice tests?

We've been adding new questions in addition to reclassifying others based on what you guys have been posting in the forums. Feel free to send us any questions you would like to see added to help future test takers.

January 17, 2019, 01:37 PM
You sometimes just need to get lucky. I've heard of guys getting a bunch of relay questions and some getting none. I get why NETA exams are designed the way they are, to force you to know a wide range of things. But the tests should be balanced every time you take it, but it's not.