View Full Version : I recently passed my NETA Level III exam. Ask me anything!

August 3, 2014, 07:51 AM
After a few failed attempts, I finally passed the NETA III exam! If anybody has any questions about the test I would be happy to share my experience with you.

August 5, 2014, 10:14 AM
I have recently started my journey towards becoming NETA III. Currently I'm studying to pass my level II, but have the end goal of becoming level III. What all literature did you use to study? Did you Find anything else helpful online? I'm just trying to find as much to help me study and make it easier on myself. Any help is very much appreciated.

August 5, 2014, 01:05 PM
Do you have a date scheduled for your exam yet? The Level II study guide on this site has some good resources, but you should first take some practice tests to find out your weak areas. If you have any questions just post em in the forum, I am happy to try and answer them.

August 26, 2014, 07:14 PM
Looks like i will be taking my level II exam in Oct. I pretty consitantly get 70-80% on the preactice test. Is there anything that will be an unexpected surprise for me?

August 28, 2014, 09:51 AM
I don't think there is anything that would be an unexpected surprise if you are getting consistent scores in the 80's on the practice exams.

The biggest point I cant stress enough is to be sure you take your time and read each question carefully! This is where I failed the first time taking the Level III because you may be presented with a question that looks similar to one on the practice exam, but its worded a bit different. As long as you understand the answers and not just memorizing them you should be fine.

Do you have any co-workers who are also taking the test? If so, you guys should try to meet once a week to ask each other questions.

August 30, 2014, 09:02 AM
The company I work for is working on becoming NETA certified, so we have to have 25% level III or IV. Some of our engineers are going to take it first part of October that way they can come back and let us know more of what to study. I'll be honest part of me says I'll be just fine, but the other half is just nervous about it. It's ends up being the difference in a lot of money to me.

September 2, 2014, 01:42 PM
Reviewing the test with your engineers will be very beneficial. You get around 2 hours to complete the exam so be sure to use every second of it!

May 18, 2020, 04:36 PM
After a few failed attempts, I finally passed the NETA III exam! If anybody has any questions about the test I would be happy to share my experience with you.

can you give me some ideas of how to study for my level 3 exam?