View Full Version : Testing liquid filled transformers with load break bushings

November 10, 2016, 07:50 PM
hey all
just kinda curious what methods the community uses to connect test leads (doble,ttr,megger,WR) to the high side of a transformer with load break elbows.

Ive always gotta use a loadbreak elbow probe which has nothing to attach the hook to. I attach an alligator clip to the end of the probe and connect to that. Im sure there's something better out there.

November 12, 2016, 04:44 PM
If you can get your hands on some old elbows the best thing to do is cut the probes out of those. Bolt a lug on the end of them and you have yourself a set of test pins that will plug right into the transformer, then you can clip your leads to the lugs. A set of 4 should cover most applications.


November 15, 2016, 02:47 AM
We put all-thread couplings on the threaded end of an old test probe and put an eye bolt in the other side of the coupling. Makes it easier to pull out of the bushing.