View Full Version : Tech Quiz Updates for 2017

July 18, 2017, 02:34 AM
There have been some recent updates to the practice exam:

1. A new batch of questions has been added to the database, along with more help links for existing questions.

2. The Number of unanswered questions and questions marked for review are now shown before submitting answers.

3. You can now click the answer text to make your answer selection instead of having to click the radio button.

4. Major improvements in performance and page loading times over the previous version.

If you experience any issues with the new version, or want to suggest new features for the future, please let us know by leaving a reply below.

September 5, 2017, 06:24 PM
Over the past month, we've been conducting a major review of the tech quiz database to help bring things more up to date. Here's what's new and noteworthy:

1. Increased quiz difficulty. We've made things a little harder on the ETT practice exams (https://testguy.net/content/192-Test-your-electrical-safety-and-maintenance-knowledge-tech-quiz) by reclassifying and updating questions based on your suggestions.

2. More help links. Finding study material should be much easier now, as more references have been added to the quiz summary, in addition to equations and formulas for intermediate math problems.

3. Updated study guides. Along with more links comes a ton of new info added to the study guides (https://testguy.net/content/188-NETA-Certified-Electrical-Test-Technician-ETT-Study-Guide). Question hints that reference a section of the study guide should now be more helpful than before.

Let us know what you think about these exciting new changes. With the initial review complete, our plan for the upcoming weeks is to add new questions based on what members have been reporting in the forums.

Special thanks to our pro members who help make these updates possible. If you are certifying this test period, PM TestGuy (https://testguy.net/private.php?do=newpm&u=1) for information on ways you can earn a free Pro Subscription (http://testguy.net/payments.php).
