View Full Version : Minimum Test Score Required to Pass?

October 4, 2017, 09:25 AM
Im currently studying to take the level 2 this month, and I was curious as to what the minimum passing score is. I know it used to be 70% but it seems like I heard it increased when they changed the test. Does anyone know? Thanks in advance!

October 4, 2017, 11:07 AM
Im currently studying to take the level 2 this month, and I was curious as to what the minimum passing score is. I know it used to be 70% but it seems like I heard it increased when they changed the test. Does anyone know? Thanks in advance!

Yes, it used to be 70% but NETA now says you need a passing score of 410 or higher on a scale of 200 to 500. I'm not exactly sure how this is measured. My guess would be you need at least a 73% to pass based on: 500-200 = 300 / 410 = 0.73, but this is just speculation.

I've heard that some questions have more weight to them than others, but again, just a rumor. One guy at my shop missed the NETA 3 by a fraction of a percent a few years ago, this was before they changed the scoring.

October 4, 2017, 01:04 PM
Yes, it used to be 70% but NETA now says you need a passing score of 410 or higher on a scale of 200 to 500. I'm not exactly sure how this is measured. My guess would be you need at least a 73% to pass based on: 500-200 = 300 / 410 = 0.73, but this is just speculation.

I've heard that some questions have more weight to them than others, but again, just a rumor. One guy at my shop missed the NETA 3 by a fraction of a percent a few years ago, this was before they changed the scoring.

I was told it was changed to 80%, but the explanation above seems legit

February 13, 2018, 07:29 PM
Im currently studying to take the level 2 this month, and I was curious as to what the minimum passing score is. I know it used to be 70% but it seems like I heard it increased when they changed the test. Does anyone know? Thanks in advance!

They don't do a percent. Like someone said above it's out of 500 and some questions hold more weight than others.

February 15, 2018, 01:40 PM
Im currently studying to take the level 2 this month, and I was curious as to what the minimum passing score is. I know it used to be 70% but it seems like I heard it increased when they changed the test. Does anyone know? Thanks in advance!

I just recently passed the NETA 2 exam. A passing score of 70% or greater is needed to pass the NETA 2 exam as well as the NETA 3 and NETA 4 exams. If you look at page 16 of ANSI/NETA ETT-2015 it shows this clearly in the table. A passing score of 410 points or higher out of 200 to 500 points is required. Here is how the 70% is calculated: [(410-200)/(500-200)] x 100% = 70%. Hope this answers the question for you.