View Full Version : What IEEE level cable terminations should be used?

October 6, 2017, 11:42 AM
In a contaminated outdoor live front transformer, what IEEE level cable terminations should be used?


October 6, 2017, 03:57 PM
In a contaminated outdoor live front transformer, what IEEE level cable terminations should be used?


Here may be a few things to help you out. Cable classes fall under IEEE 48. Unfortunately I do not have access to that standard without paying $150. But I found this information from 3M.

Since I am not a cable splicer, my initial guess would be Class 1. But take a look for yourself.

Class 1 Termination
Provides electric stress control for the cable insulation shield
terminus; provides complete external leakage insulation
between the cable conductor(s) and ground; and provides a
seal to the end of the cable against the entrance of the external
environment and maintains the operating design pressure, if
any, of the cable system. This class is divided into three types:
Class 1A: For use on extruded dielectric cable
Class 1B: For use on laminated dielectric cable
Class 1C: Expressly for pressure-type cable systems

Class 2 Termination
Provides electric stress control for the cable insulation shield
terminus, and provides complete external leakage insulation
between the cable conductor(s) and ground.

Class 3 Termination
Provides electric stress control for the cable insulation shield

Indoor Termination–Dry
A termination intended for use where it is protected from
solar radiation and precipitation and not subject to periodic
condensation, or other excessive humidity (90% RH or more).
May be installed in air conditioned or heated areas.

Indoor Termination–Wet
A termination intended for use where it is protected from
direct exposure to both solar radiation and precipitation, but is
subjected to climatic conditions that can cause condensation
onto the termination surfaces.

Outdoor Termination
A termination intended for use where it is not protected from
direct exposure to either solar radiation or precipitation. These
are Class 1A, 1B, or 1C terminations. Class 2 terminations may
also qualify.