View Full Version : Questions from recent Level 2 exam (10/2017)

November 19, 2017, 09:07 PM
Here are some recent questions from the Level 2, they were given to me by a co-worker who took the exam in October.

1. What connections are on a DLRO meter?
A) 2 current outputs, 2 voltage outputs
B) 2 current measurements, 2 voltage measurements
C) 2 current measurements, 2 voltage outputs
D) 2 current outputs, 2 voltage measurements

2. One worker is standing 3ft away from an exposed live part and another is standing 6ft away. How much incident energy is the 6ft worker exposed to in comparison to the 3 ft worker?
A) 1/2
B) 1/16
C) 1/4
D) ????

3. Given a 3-phase circuit with 250kvar and 480v, what is the current?

4. Under normal operating conditions, in what state is a battery charger set to?
A) Charging
B) Float
C) Equalizing
D) ????

5. Which instrument is used to locate a 15kV underground cable fault?
B) Time/Motion Analizer
C) Time domain reflectometer
D) Insulation resistance tester

6. Your pickup results are high on an electromechanical relay, what is likely the cause?
A) Contacts are dirty
B) Loose connections on case
C) Spiral spring adjustment
D) ???

7. What grade bolt is this (given picture of a bolt head)
A) Grade 1-2
B) Grade 3
C) Grade 5
D) Grade 8

Stuff to know:

Protective ground sizes and functionality
LOTO process
Confined space
Power triangle and power factor calculations
Grounding principles
Use of meters and the leads associated
Contact resistance and how it works
One lines and symbols
Relays and symbols associated

January 23, 2018, 09:04 AM
Here are some of the answers, please feel free to add or contradict my answers

Here are some recent questions from the Level 2, they were given to me by a co-worker who took the exam in October.

1. What connections are on a DLRO meter?
A) 2 current outputs, 2 voltage outputs
B) 2 current measurements, 2 voltage measurements
C) 2 current measurements, 2 voltage outputs
D) 2 current outputs, 2 voltage measurements


2. One worker is standing 3ft away from an exposed live part and another is standing 6ft away. How much incident energy is the 6ft worker exposed to in comparison to the 3 ft worker?
A) 1/2
B) 1/16
C) 1/4
D) ????

I don't know. I would have to say 1/2 or 1/4 but it would be a guess

3. Given a 3-phase circuit with 250kvar and 480v, what is the current?

I don't know if I can answer that with just this information. I would be curious to hear someone else answer

4. Under normal operating conditions, in what state is a battery charger set to?
A) Charging
B) Float
C) Equalizing
D) ????

B) Float

5. Which instrument is used to locate a 15kV underground cable fault?
B) Time/Motion Analizer
C) Time domain reflectometer
D) Insulation resistance tester

C) Time domain relectometer

6. Your pickup results are high on an electromechanical relay, what is likely the cause?
A) Contacts are dirty
B) Loose connections on case
C) Spiral spring adjustment
D) ???

I don't know

7. What grade bolt is this (given picture of a bolt head)
A) Grade 1-2
B) Grade 3
C) Grade 5
D) Grade 8

No dashes is 2, add plus for the other grades

Stuff to know:

Protective ground sizes and functionality
LOTO process
Confined space
Power triangle and power factor calculations
Grounding principles
Use of meters and the leads associated
Contact resistance and how it works
One lines and symbols
Relays and symbols associated

April 17, 2018, 04:28 PM
Here are some of the answers, please feel free to add or contradict my answers

Anybody else have anymore questions from the exam?

April 17, 2018, 06:10 PM
6. Your pickup results are high on an electromechanical relay, what is likely the cause?
A) Contacts are dirty
B) Loose connections on case
C) Spiral spring adjustment
D) ???

Tightening spiral spring increases pickup, loosening the spring will decrease pickup

April 18, 2018, 07:11 PM
What is this reading


A phase
B phase
A and C
B and C

April 18, 2018, 07:22 PM
3. Given a 3-phase circuit with 250kvar and 480v, what is the current?

I don't know if I can answer that with just this information. I would be curious to hear someone else answer

I did some research and found the equation I = kVAR / (V*1.732) but I don't have the answer choices to check my answer 0.30 A

April 18, 2018, 08:31 PM
What is this reading


A phase
B phase
A and C
B and C

A phase

April 19, 2018, 09:46 AM
I did some research and found the equation I = kVAR / (V*1.732) but I don't have the answer choices to check my answer 0.30 A


April 19, 2018, 09:48 AM
What is this reading


A phase
B phase
A and C
B and C

It's reading a, because the DLRO should push the rated amps through Phase C, and with no amp on the P2 lead through phase B resistance, the reading across Phase A would be unaffected.

April 19, 2018, 02:54 PM
What is this reading


A phase
B phase
A and C
B and C

A phase. If anyone is having trouble with this one, just look at the test leads carefully and you will notice that B and C bus are simply used as extensions of the test leads.

July 5, 2018, 08:46 PM
thanks for the info