View Full Version : NETA Level III Study Group??

October 8, 2018, 09:06 AM
Would anyone like to participate in a online study group? I have tried passing this exam three times now and each time I am a little closer but still not there. There must be a way to get a study group together online so we could all help each other study and pass this exam. Just a thought especially sense they just opened up the testing for end of October beginning of November. Only a month left!

October 9, 2018, 02:51 PM
Would anyone like to participate in a online study group? I have tried passing this exam three times now and each time I am a little closer but still not there. There must be a way to get a study group together online so we could all help each other study and pass this exam. Just a thought especially sense they just opened up the testing for end of October beginning of November. Only a month left!

This is a great idea, I'd be happy to help out when you get something organized.

October 9, 2018, 03:50 PM
This is a great idea, I'd be happy to help out when you get something organized.

Not much interest yet so let’s see how it goes. Thank you for the offer.

October 9, 2018, 05:04 PM
Interested. I know of a couple more that are also taking exam in October/November that might be interested. Maybe set a specific time to log on and specific weekday(s). Seeing as you've taken the exam three times so far you should probably set the topic for each session.

October 9, 2018, 07:00 PM
Interested. I know of a couple more that are also taking exam in October/November that might be interested. Maybe set a specific time to log on and specific weekday(s). Seeing as you've taken the exam three times so far you should probably set the topic for each session.

We have a TestGuy Discord server if you guys want to utilize that for a study group chat room or voice channel. https://discord.gg/vZ5cEWs

October 10, 2018, 07:51 AM
We have a TestGuy Discord server if you guys want to utilize that for a study group chat room or voice channel. https://discord.gg/vZ5cEWs

Thank you so much for the help and the great information that you provide. Can I have the information to set this up? I would like to meet at least once a week between now and the end of the test cycle as a group to discuss questions and all of us to help prep for the test. Thank you again and have a great day.

October 10, 2018, 07:53 AM
Interested. I know of a couple more that are also taking exam in October/November that might be interested. Maybe set a specific time to log on and specific weekday(s). Seeing as you've taken the exam three times so far you should probably set the topic for each session.

That is great! I was thinking we could all get together on a server maybe once a week until the end of the testing cycle in early November. The TestGuy administrator has said that they have a server that we can meet at so I will let you know. Thanks

October 10, 2018, 08:12 PM
Thank you so much for the help and the great information that you provide. Can I have the information to set this up? I would like to meet at least once a week between now and the end of the test cycle as a group to discuss questions and all of us to help prep for the test. Thank you again and have a great day.

Anyone who is interested can use the invite link to access the server: https://discordapp.com/invite/vZ5cEWs

The #study-group text channel is open 24/7, let us know a date/time if you guys want to open up a voice channel.

You will need a Discord account (free) if you don't have one already. The server can be accessed with a web browser but downloading the Discord app to your phone allows you to receive instant notifications and chat on the go. https://discordapp.com/

October 11, 2018, 08:20 AM
Day wise, I'm pretty wide open except maybe Wednesdays. Time of day, I'd prefer later in the day like 8pm EST. It's hard to study with three kids climbing all over you.

October 18, 2018, 10:39 AM
Day wise, I'm pretty wide open except maybe Wednesdays. Time of day, I'd prefer later in the day like 8pm EST. It's hard to study with three kids climbing all over you.

Any update on this? I would be interested as I will be taking the level III in January.

October 23, 2018, 05:03 PM
Would anyone like to participate in a online study group? I have tried passing this exam three times now and each time I am a little closer but still not there. There must be a way to get a study group together online so we could all help each other study and pass this exam. Just a thought especially sense they just opened up the testing for end of October beginning of November. Only a month left!

This is actually a great idea. I'm taking the level 3 this Friday. I already failed the level 3 by 10 points so hopefully ill make it this time. If I don't I would love to get a group together.

November 11, 2018, 06:34 PM
I’m totally down to join. I haven’t read through the full thread.

I’m planning to take my test on the next rotation, February.

I’m pretty confident. I have a literal lifetime of experience around electrical testing, as my grandfather is still running his business from late 50’s early 60’s.

I’m experienced in a lot of things in the industry, apparatus voltages all the way up to 550kV I’ve had hands on. It’s just that I really don’t have relay experience.

I’m thinking about making a thread, but I’ve heard from several people that the test is heavy with relay questions. I know a little more than the basics, but I am worried about that..

My coworker just passed his level 4, and he was surprised by how easy it was for him. He’s urging me to take my level 3...I wasn’t ever able to even try to take it working for my grandfather. It took me years to get his approval/meet his standards to even take the level 2.

Sorry for posting without reading the other 3 pages, but it would be really nice to get some help. My current company doesn’t offer anything for studying, and the amount I have to work, I don’t have the time to really do it myself either..:/

November 12, 2018, 08:47 PM

I recently pass my level three exam.

The preparation i took was the following:

-Symmetrical Components
-Trigonometry (Right Triangle, Adding Vectors)
-Inductance / Capacitance (Circuits)
-Basic Relay Wiring Connections
-ANSI Codes
-Logic Gates
-NETA Standards (Insulation resistance test voltage for transformers and motors, Dielectric Withstand test voltages, IR Scanning)
-Transformer Ratios
-Circuit Switcher standards

The Key is to read the questions more than once. The questions make you feel like theirs more than one answer, but their only is one CORRECT answer.

Good luck.

November 12, 2018, 11:00 PM
Thanks, Juan! That really helps..not having any real direction, outside of here, is the hardest thing of preparing. And I’ve heard that the forum and articles are the best sources of information regarding the level 3 test after the change.

I almost screwed up my level 2 test a few years back, right before the tests were changed. I finished in 15 minutes, and I couldn’t believe I could’ve possibly done it right.. While in panic mode, I went back through my test 5 times changing answers and doubting my reasoning on the first time around...stupid.lol

January 7, 2019, 12:51 PM
Was this study group ever started? Taking the test in a few weeks and wouldn't mind a little group focused studying, especially if people that passed the level III were the ones guiding the group.

July 8, 2021, 10:33 PM
The previous invite code to the discord has expired.