September 21, 2019, 11:14 PM
As part of our ongoing effort to make this community the best it can possibly be for our members, we are pleased to kick off yet another community posting competition that will make your time on TestGuy a lot more fun and rewarding!
Fall 2019 Community Posting Competition
1st Prize: $50 Visa Gift Card, TestGuy 4GB USB Drive & Pen Set (x2), 1 year Pro Subscription
2nd Prize: $25 Visa Gift Card, TestGuy 4GB USB Drive & Pen Set, 6 month Pro Subscription
3rd Prize: Testguy 4GB USB Drive & Pen Set, 3 month Pro Subscription
Congratulations to our previous competition winners!
Warrengarber, Jrmcritical, Cotton, Kalbi_Rob, Wanderer20001us, Relay1
No purchase required. To enter the competition, simply be active in the TestGuy community by posting in the forums during the months of September, October, and November. The moderation team will pick 3 winners based on posting activity during these dates. Winners will be announced December 6, 2019.
All posting activity during the month of September prior to this announcement will be eligible. If you posted on TestGuy in the month of September you are already qualified to win!
Here are 5 ways you can increase your chances of winning:
1. Start a topic about something new or interesting you've experienced on the job in the Electrical Testing (https://testguy.net/forums/31-Electrical-Testing-Talk) or Relay Testing (https://testguy.net/forums/41-P-amp-C-Relay-Testing-Talk) forum.
2. Create a how-to or troubleshooting guide in the Electrical Testing (https://testguy.net/forums/31-Electrical-Testing-Talk) or Relay Testing (https://testguy.net/forums/41-P-amp-C-Relay-Testing-Talk) forum.
3. Share a safety related job site story in the Safety and Arc Flash (https://testguy.net/forums/12-Safety-and-Arc-Flash-Talk) forum.
4. Help others seeking certification in the NETA and NICET forums (https://testguy.net/forums/7-Certification-Forum). Share your test taking experience or help answer exam questions.
5. Add your input to any existing conversation around the site. Browse the tag cloud (https://testguy.net/tags.php) to view content by keyword.
Participants may post as much as they like but be aware that winners are judged on quality rather than quantity, simply making a large volume of posts will not increase your chances of winning. Posts with the most number of words, replies, and likes during the competition dates will have a higher chance of being considered for a prize. Previous competition winners are eligible to participate. Winners with active pro subscriptions will have their current membership extended.
Must be U.S. Resident 18 years or older with valid shipping address in the United States. Non-US residents may participate with option to claim a free 1 year pro subscription in place of gift cards and prize pack.
Fall 2019 Community Posting Competition
1st Prize: $50 Visa Gift Card, TestGuy 4GB USB Drive & Pen Set (x2), 1 year Pro Subscription
2nd Prize: $25 Visa Gift Card, TestGuy 4GB USB Drive & Pen Set, 6 month Pro Subscription
3rd Prize: Testguy 4GB USB Drive & Pen Set, 3 month Pro Subscription
Congratulations to our previous competition winners!
Warrengarber, Jrmcritical, Cotton, Kalbi_Rob, Wanderer20001us, Relay1
No purchase required. To enter the competition, simply be active in the TestGuy community by posting in the forums during the months of September, October, and November. The moderation team will pick 3 winners based on posting activity during these dates. Winners will be announced December 6, 2019.
All posting activity during the month of September prior to this announcement will be eligible. If you posted on TestGuy in the month of September you are already qualified to win!
Here are 5 ways you can increase your chances of winning:
1. Start a topic about something new or interesting you've experienced on the job in the Electrical Testing (https://testguy.net/forums/31-Electrical-Testing-Talk) or Relay Testing (https://testguy.net/forums/41-P-amp-C-Relay-Testing-Talk) forum.
2. Create a how-to or troubleshooting guide in the Electrical Testing (https://testguy.net/forums/31-Electrical-Testing-Talk) or Relay Testing (https://testguy.net/forums/41-P-amp-C-Relay-Testing-Talk) forum.
3. Share a safety related job site story in the Safety and Arc Flash (https://testguy.net/forums/12-Safety-and-Arc-Flash-Talk) forum.
4. Help others seeking certification in the NETA and NICET forums (https://testguy.net/forums/7-Certification-Forum). Share your test taking experience or help answer exam questions.
5. Add your input to any existing conversation around the site. Browse the tag cloud (https://testguy.net/tags.php) to view content by keyword.
Participants may post as much as they like but be aware that winners are judged on quality rather than quantity, simply making a large volume of posts will not increase your chances of winning. Posts with the most number of words, replies, and likes during the competition dates will have a higher chance of being considered for a prize. Previous competition winners are eligible to participate. Winners with active pro subscriptions will have their current membership extended.
Must be U.S. Resident 18 years or older with valid shipping address in the United States. Non-US residents may participate with option to claim a free 1 year pro subscription in place of gift cards and prize pack.