View Full Version : Just Passed NETA Level 2

November 25, 2019, 08:56 AM
Passed that rascal just in time for the holidays. Glad to have it behind me. Testguys helps a lot. I went ahead and purchased Testguys pro and used the hints during the test. Its a huge help to put the info with the questions. Take the practice exams and study the materials don't just read to find that specific answer.

Things to familiarize yourself with:

Power Factor Calc
Capacitance Calc
Inductance Calc
Ohms law
Neta ATS and Mts

There were several questions that I feel like I confidently just by using process of elimination on the questions.

Sorry I don't have more detail than that its hard to retain a lot of information when a test covers so much stuff.

November 26, 2019, 07:36 PM
Passed that rascal just in time for the holidays. Glad to have it behind me. Testguys helps a lot. I went ahead and purchased Testguys pro and used the hints during the test. Its a huge help to put the info with the questions. Take the practice exams and study the materials don't just read to find that specific answer.

Things to familiarize yourself with:

Power Factor Calc
Capacitance Calc
Inductance Calc
Ohms law
Neta ATS and Mts

There were several questions that I feel like I confidently just by using process of elimination on the questions.

Sorry I don't have more detail than that its hard to retain a lot of information when a test covers so much stuff.
Congrats. I took mine on Tuesday and also passed. It's a great relief. Had a question about a 15kv switchgear with a low humming noise and a sweet smell and a couple other ones that threw me for a loop but when I submitted the test I got those 6 sweet words... PASSED

December 12, 2020, 02:30 PM
Just passed the NETA Level 2 exam about two hours ago and wanted to share what I saw on the exam

-Power Triangle numerous times, finding apparent power, true power etc.
-Contact resistance deviations
-bolt grades; show you a bolt what grade is it
-one line drawings, at least three on the exam
-ansi device numbers; 2 questions
-adding capacitors and resistors
-transformer calculations
-glove classes

This is what I can remember off the top of my head. I basically just took test guy practice exams for the last two months and reviewed the questions I got wrong.

Def get TESTGUY PRO. Well worth the money.

Time to celebrate!

February 17, 2021, 07:11 AM
This site was a lot of help. My recommendation to everyone is to take as many practice exams as possible and with every question you get wrong, use the reference material to make up a study guide. I took probably 30+ NETA II practice exams (and only passed 1) and did exactly that and was able to pass on my first attempt. don't be discourage if you fail the practice exams, it doesn't mean you aren't ready, like i said I only passed one, just keep taking them and adding to your own study guide and, of course, study it and you will be fine.

Thanks Testguy!

February 26, 2021, 12:26 PM
Finally passed yesterday, this was my second attempt, my first being 2 years ago. I used Test guy sparingly the first attempt, but this time completed 1-4 practice tests daily and looked up all the references from incorrect answers. This is a great tool to get you in the correct mindset for passing the exam. Although it doesn't give you the test answers, it lets you know what you should know how to solve, for example:
Ohms law
Power triangle
Safety and agencies
Cap/Ind reactance and conversions
Testing equipment and methods
NETA MTS and ATS working knowledge/bolt grades/ansi ieee device numbers

I found this resource extremely helpful and encourage everyone to stay with it. I passed exactly zero study quizzes. Good luck and stay safe---Shawn

May 15, 2021, 11:08 AM
Thank you for this post. Reading all the replies are very encouraging. I hope to take my NETA II in about 4 months. I too never pass the practice exams so knowing that you all experienced the same thing yet passed your real exam is very encouraging! Thank you for the info.

Passed that rascal just in time for the holidays. Glad to have it behind me. Testguys helps a lot. I went ahead and purchased Testguys pro and used the hints during the test. Its a huge help to put the info with the questions. Take the practice exams and study the materials don't just read to find that specific answer.

Things to familiarize yourself with:

Power Factor Calc
Capacitance Calc
Inductance Calc
Ohms law
Neta ATS and Mts

There were several questions that I feel like I confidently just by using process of elimination on the questions.

Sorry I don't have more detail than that its hard to retain a lot of information when a test covers so much stuff.

March 17, 2022, 08:24 PM
Things to familiarize yourself with:

Power Factor Calc
Capacitance Calc
Inductance Calc
Ohms law
Neta ATS and Mts

Thanks for the list of items to be come familiar with.

March 28, 2022, 11:53 AM
Things to familiarize yourself with:

Power Factor Calc
Capacitance Calc
Inductance Calc
Ohms law
Neta ATS and Mts

Thanks for the list of items to be come familiar with.

In addition to these, I had at least one transformer fault current calculation on my test, something like

"100MVA, 138kV to 12.47kV transformer at 5.7% impedance, what is the low side fault current?"

April 4, 2022, 01:40 PM
In addition to these, I had at least one transformer fault current calculation on my test, something like

"100MVA, 138kV to 12.47kV transformer at 5.7% impedance, what is the low side fault current?"

I'm taking my 2 on Friday, I'd like to double check my notes.
I have (Fault Current)=(Full Load Amps)/(Impedance)

In your example, when dividing by Imp., do you use 5.7 or 0.057?
I neglected to annotate that in my study notes.

In the heat of the moment 81kA and 812A seem reasonable to me during a test.

April 6, 2022, 09:21 AM
I'm taking my 2 on Friday, I'd like to double check my notes.
I have (Fault Current)=(Full Load Amps)/(Impedance)

In your example, when dividing by Imp., do you use 5.7 or 0.057?
I neglected to annotate that in my study notes.

In the heat of the moment 81kA and 812A seem reasonable to me during a test.

You always use the decimal form. So 0.057 in this case. You only use the percent form if division by 100 is incorporated into a formula

June 14, 2022, 12:14 PM
Just passed the NETA Level 2 exam about two hours ago and wanted to share what I saw on the exam

-Power Triangle numerous times, finding apparent power, true power etc.
-Contact resistance deviations
-bolt grades; show you a bolt what grade is it
-one line drawings, at least three on the exam
-ansi device numbers; 2 questions
-adding capacitors and resistors
-transformer calculations
-glove classes

This is what I can remember off the top of my head. I basically just took test guy practice exams for the last two months and reviewed the questions I got wrong.

Def get TESTGUY PRO. Well worth the money.

Time to celebrate!

After ready several of posts by everyone, I definitely think I am going to purchase the Pro version. Even my co-workers agree that the free version. the question are kind of "shotty" and do not completely corelate with actual NETA 2 exam. I certainly know being able to have hints and hopefully it actually gives you the right answers to the ones you missed afterward? Can anyone confirm if TestGut Pro gives you the right answer to the questions you get wrong, please?

Thank you all!

June 14, 2022, 12:30 PM
This site was a lot of help. My recommendation to everyone is to take as many practice exams as possible and with every question you get wrong, use the reference material to make up a study guide. I took probably 30+ NETA II practice exams (and only passed 1) and did exactly that and was able to pass on my first attempt. don't be discourage if you fail the practice exams, it doesn't mean you aren't ready, like i said I only passed one, just keep taking them and adding to your own study guide and, of course, study it and you will be fine.

Thanks Testguy!

Thank you for that because for the many years I have been using this site I have always thought "there is no way the question are like this or relevant" Very smart to make your own study guide thank you!

June 15, 2022, 08:46 AM
After ready several of posts by everyone, I definitely think I am going to purchase the Pro version. Even my co-workers agree that the free version. the question are kind of "shotty" and do not completely corelate with actual NETA 2 exam. I certainly know being able to have hints and hopefully it actually gives you the right answers to the ones you missed afterward? Can anyone confirm if TestGut Pro gives you the right answer to the questions you get wrong, please?

Thank you all!

Yes (atleast what the answer bank has and the reference where to find the answer if available). You can also get a free year after posting XX number of posts.