View Full Version : Best meter to keep on hand?

December 5, 2019, 02:24 PM
Trying to buy a good meter that does it all for us. Amps,ground test, 1kv megger and anything else you guys can think of.

December 8, 2019, 07:42 AM
Trying to buy a good meter that does it all for us. Amps,ground test, 1kv megger and anything else you guys can think of.

I don't think there is anything that will meet this criteria. I may be wrong, but I have not seen anything that would be satisfactory. You would be better off getting specific meters for each application


December 9, 2019, 01:12 PM
Trying to buy a good meter that does it all for us. Amps,ground test, 1kv megger and anything else you guys can think of.

I would grab a Fluke Multimeter and a megger.

December 9, 2019, 06:40 PM
A Fluke 1587 and a Fluke 381 will take care of the 1kV insulation tester, multi meter and amperage testing requirements. A ground tester will need to be a separate piece of equipment.

January 7, 2020, 12:32 PM
Trying to buy a good meter that does it all for us. Amps,ground test, 1kv megger and anything else you guys can think of.

A multifunction Installation tester like this sounds like what you are asking about:

These are not as common in the USA but used quite often in Europe. It has an integrated ground tester, 1kV megohmmeter and common voltage current options and can generate a report. You can also use it to test tripping of ground fault devices. it will save your results and then you can generate a report.

January 20, 2020, 09:53 PM
I would grab a Fluke Multimeter and a megger.

This is what I use both Fluke and Megger i have yet to run into a devices that does all those functions and has the accuracy that is required.

January 28, 2020, 04:45 PM
Trying to buy a good meter that does it all for us. Amps,ground test, 1kv megger and anything else you guys can think of.

I don't know of a meter that covers everything you are looking for. Even if one exists I would be cautious of the safety and reliability. Not to mention, the whole putting all your eggs in one basket thing.

I like the Fluke 87V. I have also used the Fluke 787 because I needed voltage output for testing and calibration.