View Full Version : How to verify MV Cable Test Reports?

March 9, 2020, 07:17 AM
In reviewing a MV Cable Test Report is there an industry standard to compare the resulted values to verify if the values provided in the report are acceptable. For example looking at a MV test report for a Hi-Pot test of MV conductors stepped over time 1 - 6 then Final for 15min. at maximum values. Also if there is a difference between phases and ground would the standard list acceptable delta between phases that would be acceptable. thanks.

March 12, 2020, 09:29 AM
In reviewing a MV Cable Test Report is there an industry standard to compare the resulted values to verify if the values provided in the report are acceptable. For example looking at a MV test report for a Hi-Pot test of MV conductors stepped over time 1 - 6 then Final for 15min. at maximum values. Also if there is a difference between phases and ground would the standard list acceptable delta between phases that would be acceptable. thanks.

First, it would be helpful to know which MV Cable test you are referring too. That being said, IEEE 400 covers testing of MV above 5kV Cables. Just to name a few:

IEEE 400 Guide for Field Testing and Evaluation of the Insulation of Shielded Power Cable Systems Rated 5 kV and Above
IEEE 400.1 Guide for Field Testing of Laminated Dielectric, Shielded AC Power Cable Systems Rated 5 kV to 500 kV Using High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC)
IEEE 400.2 Guide for Field Testing of Shielded Power Cable Systems Using VLF
IEEE 400.3 Guide for Partial Discharge Testing of Shielded Power Cable Systems in a Field Environment
IEEE 400.4 Guide for Field Testing of Shielded Power Cable Systems Rated 5 kV and Above with Damped Alternating Current (DAC) Voltage