View Full Version : Tech Quiz Updates for Summer 2020

June 14, 2020, 08:03 AM
TestGuy is pleased to announce some new improvements and changes coming to the Tech Quiz for Summer 2020!

Our developers are always working hard to provide a better testing experience for the community, here is what you can find in the latest version:

1. New Emergency Systems Quiz

We recently added a new batch of questions related to emergency, legally required, and optional standby systems to our bank. In addition, there is a new 25 question tech quiz (https://testguy.net/content/129-exams?level=16) dedicated to this category that grabs random questions across levels 1-4 in an effort help sharpen your skills.

2. Classic ETT Practice Exams are Back

Last year we changed the ETT practice exam question spread to align better with the actual NETA exams based on their official study guide. This resulted in a greater percentage accuracy but fewer question across each category and less overlap between exam levels.

After receiving feedback from our members, we've decided it makes for a better learning experience to bring back the classic question spread. Users should now notice a broader question base across all levels that will help hone in on which categories you need to study the most.

3. New Questions and Live Hints

We have been working hard to create new exam questions based on what the community has been reporting over the past exam sessions. COVID-19 has created a lapse in our development but we have since been bringing our questions and reference material up to date in order to match the latest industry standards.

4. Bug Fixes / Performance

As with most exam updates, we have done some general code maintenance to help keep things running smooth. We ask that users please report any bugs that you may experience while using our practice test software so we can get them fixed promptly.

The latest update is version 1.15.0, you can always find which tech quiz version you are running by checking the notes at the bottom of the exam selection page. Thanks to all who continue to support us and please let us know what you think of these changes by leaving a comment below!