View Full Version : Looking for a circuit breaker timing analyzer

August 6, 2020, 06:42 PM
Hello All,

I'm looking for a circuit breaker timing analyzer for meduim voltage breakers rated 35kv, 15kv and 5kv. Our breakers are normally vaccum and air blast with a few sf6 gas type. I also need the device to test our DC breakers which normally feeds 600 vdc traction power for tram and trains. Thanks...

August 7, 2020, 03:05 AM
Hello All,

I'm looking for a circuit breaker timing analyzer for meduim voltage breakers rated 35kv, 15kv and 5kv. Our breakers are normally vaccum and air blast with a few sf6 gas type. I also need the device to test our DC breakers which normally feeds 600 vdc traction power for tram and trains. Thanks...

We use the Doble TDR900 at our shop for timing tests, which should probably be sufficient for your application. Depending on how in-depth you want to get you might want to go for the big boy TDR9100.


August 10, 2020, 11:22 AM
Hello All,

I'm looking for a circuit breaker timing analyzer for meduim voltage breakers rated 35kv, 15kv and 5kv. Our breakers are normally vaccum and air blast with a few sf6 gas type. I also need the device to test our DC breakers which normally feeds 600 vdc traction power for tram and trains. Thanks...

The Doble TDR900 works great. Under the Vanguard name Doble also offers a circuit breaker timer however - at least with the older versions - the software can be a bit finicky
