View Full Version : NETA 3 exam scoring

August 29, 2020, 02:56 PM
I took NETA-3 and failed. I got 404 and minimum is 410. What does that mean? seems like NETA is getting more sophisticated in grading. Last time I took NETA 2 it was strait forward.
Seems like they also made it harder and keep more road blocks that get you spend more time. Plus the formula sheet does not cover all the formula.
Please any one explain what this score mean? Thanks

August 30, 2020, 12:09 PM
I took NETA-3 and failed. I got 404 and minimum is 410. What does that mean? seems like NETA is getting more sophisticated in grading. Last time I took NETA 2 it was strait forward.
Seems like they also made it harder and keep more road blocks that get you spend more time. Plus the formula sheet does not cover all the formula.
Please any one explain what this score mean? Thanks

I used to work with Rod Hageman, who is/was the exam committee chair and basically what o got from him was that questions are weighted based on difficulty. Its kind of lime the SAT. You get x number of points for what questions you have. And then more points for correct answers based off of difficulty for what questions you have. He and I were drinking when we had this discussion so I may have misunderstood but it seems legit because when taking my 4, Ive had some layups one time and then the next its the most random question. For example, last nignt when I took my 4, i had the question of what are class 2 gloves rated for. The rest of my questions where obscure commissioning questions. Last time I took it, I was asked what is the DC proof test voltage for Class 3 gloves. The remainder of my questions were reasonable and my own matb mistake kept me from passing. Both exams only had one question about gloves but the choice of questions in one category definitely seems to influence other categories.

Hope that helps

Oh and the formula sheet is trash for the most part. I have used it maybe once to verify i used the right numbers.

September 5, 2020, 11:06 PM
Quick question,
What did you do to prepare for the exam? Really?
Did you read NETA's Note's. Did you study. ( I Mean not a week or two before)

my guess is No

Yet you ask Why?