View Full Version : NETA Governance and Influence

August 29, 2020, 03:03 PM
I think NETA is influenced by some specific testing companies. Also they govern NETA test.
Who will agree with this?

August 29, 2020, 04:03 PM
I think NETA is influenced by some specific testing companies. Also they govern NETA test.
Who will agree with this?

This is pretty obvious, specifically looking at who writes articles for NETAworld, and the members that comprise the board. Shermco has always held the largest share until recently, with Jim White making the largest input on training/certification.

August 29, 2020, 04:22 PM
I think NETA is influenced by some specific testing companies. Also they govern NETA test.
Who will agree with this?

NETA is a verifiable scam, prove me wrong:

-Good ol' boys club
-Organization is governed by a few top NETA companies
-Make ridiculous requirements to keep small companies out
-People responsible for company accreditation own NETA companies and can get inside information on their competition
-Closed book test with unverified scoring system designed to keep number of certified techs low
-Questions not related to testing that most companies do
-Test costs hundreds of dollars to take
-Don't tell you what questions you missed
-You can literally fail by a fraction of a percent
-Certification is not valid unless employeed by NETA company

August 29, 2020, 07:07 PM
NETA is a verifiable scam, prove me wrong:

-Good ol' boys club
-Organization is governed by a few top NETA companies
-Make ridiculous requirements to keep small companies out
-People responsible for company accreditation own NETA companies and can get inside information on their competition
-Closed book test with unverified scoring system designed to keep number of certified techs low
-Questions not related to testing that most companies do
-Test costs hundreds of dollars to take
-Don't tell you what questions you missed
-You can literally fail by a fraction of a percent
-Certification is not valid unless employeed by NETA company

Yeah man, I have a master's degree and failed today by like 404, just points away from passing. It was frustrating. I am saying that my degree matters but few questions they asked were just ridiculous because no one can answer that right away. like one of the question was

TWWH is used for: (who knows what it is then they give weird options to choose from).

August 29, 2020, 07:13 PM
This is pretty obvious, specifically looking at who writes articles for NETAworld, and the members that comprise the board. Shermco has always held the largest share until recently, with Jim White making the largest input on training/certification.

Yes they should make it transparent. I took test and got 404 which is 6 points less and i don't know how many questions that worth. Thanks for your input sir..

August 29, 2020, 11:33 PM
Yeah man, I have a master's degree and failed today by like 404, just points away from passing. It was frustrating. I am saying that my degree matters but few questions they asked were just ridiculous because no one can answer that right away. like one of the question was

TWWH is used for: (who knows what it is then they give weird options to choose from).

TWWH is a insulation type for LV cables, I have seen them in the field a couple times as they are used for 75°C applications. Using the below identifiers for other cable types, I assume it stands for Thermoplastic, Water resistant, H - 75°C. The second W probably includes Moisture resistance.

Other common LV cable insulation types.
THHN: Thermoplastic, High Heat resistant, Nylon coated
THWN: Thermoplastic, Heat and Water resistant, Nylon coated
XHHW: cross-linked polyethylene (Xlpe), High Heat resistant, Water resistant

NEC® Article 310, Table 310.104(A)
B - Braid
FEP - Fluorinated ethylene propylene insulation
H - 75°C (Note: Lack of “H” indicates 60°C)
HH - 90°C
N - Nylon jacket
PFA - Perfluoroalkoxy insulation
R - Thermoset insulation
S - Silicone (Thermoset) insulation
T - As first letter - Thermoplastic insulation
TFE - Polytetrafluoroethylene
U - Underground use
W - Moisture resistant
X - Cross-linked polymer insulation (XLPE)
Z - Modified ethylene tetrafluoroethylene insulation

August 30, 2020, 02:47 PM
Yeah man, I have a master's degree and failed today by like 404, just points away from passing. It was frustrating. I am saying that my degree matters but few questions they asked were just ridiculous because no one can answer that right away. like one of the question was

TWWH is used for: (who knows what it is then they give weird options to choose from).

Now that ANSI has agreed to alllw manufacturers count as 3rd party, you will see a large shift in NETA. I feel like the accreditation will lose substantial value. Time to start studying for my NICET

August 30, 2020, 10:08 PM
TWWH is a insulation type for LV cables, I have seen them in the field a couple times as they are used for 75°C applications. Using the below identifiers for other cable types, I assume it stands for Thermoplastic, Water resistant, H - 75°C. The second W probably includes Moisture resistance.

Other common LV cable insulation types.
THHN: Thermoplastic, High Heat resistant, Nylon coated
THWN: Thermoplastic, Heat and Water resistant, Nylon coated
XHHW: cross-linked polyethylene (Xlpe), High Heat resistant, Water resistant

NEC® Article 310, Table 310.104(A)
B - Braid
FEP - Fluorinated ethylene propylene insulation
H - 75°C (Note: Lack of “H” indicates 60°C)
HH - 90°C
N - Nylon jacket
PFA - Perfluoroalkoxy insulation
R - Thermoset insulation
S - Silicone (Thermoset) insulation
T - As first letter - Thermoplastic insulation
TFE - Polytetrafluoroethylene
U - Underground use
W - Moisture resistant
X - Cross-linked polymer insulation (XLPE)
Z - Modified ethylene tetrafluoroethylene insulation

Sir I would be pleased to know best place to study for this test. I am trying this website and power systems book that is really helpful. I am also planning to go through netaworld journals. If you have some materials and if you would like to share it with me please. My email address is d44114@gmail.com. Thanks...

August 31, 2020, 06:33 AM
Sir I would be pleased to know best place to study for this test. I am trying this website and power systems book that is really helpful. I am also planning to go through netaworld journals. If you have some materials and if you would like to share it with me please. My email address is d44114@gmail.com. Thanks...

That I cant help with. Like the question you just asked is designed to test experience, which is the route the NETA test is moving towards. You can download the bibliography from the NETAworld.org website, but it is mostly IEEE, NEMA, ASTM and NFPA standards (which cost money). The practice exams work great for determining what your weakness are, but there are multiple exam questions being made for the new test cycles that testguy hasn't been privy to. I have been reluctant to take the NETA IV because I see very little point, beyond bragging rights. If you have a Master's degree, it would almost be more beneficial to take the FE and PE exams vs the NETA IV. My company does not have a benefit to being anything beyond NETA I. Per NETA, only a NETA III is important, since a NETA III is required for every job (something most companies ignore). NETA IV is important for meeting the requirements of a company to maintain NETA status, as far as I have seen.

September 3, 2020, 07:35 AM
NETA is a verifiable scam, prove me wrong:

-Good ol' boys club
-Organization is governed by a few top NETA companies
-Make ridiculous requirements to keep small companies out
-People responsible for company accreditation own NETA companies and can get inside information on their competition
-Closed book test with unverified scoring system designed to keep number of certified techs low
-Questions not related to testing that most companies do
-Test costs hundreds of dollars to take
-Don't tell you what questions you missed
-You can literally fail by a fraction of a percent
-Certification is not valid unless employeed by NETA company

So its a conspiracy then?

And this is just your first post. I can't wait.

September 4, 2020, 10:10 AM
I disagree,
All the references are listed on NETA's website.
My company has multiple people passing every cycle.
I have taken and passed all three exams first time.

You need to read, study, memorize, and understand the material.
Most of the material is not taught in school, it's learned on your own
with help from your fellow technicians and engineers.

September 5, 2020, 07:00 PM
and in 30+ years in the trade
Never heard of TWWH conductors.
TW yes
THW yes
THWN yes
THHN yes

but TWWH never
Which leads me to believe you have never studied NFPA 70 article 310
but my apprentice has