September 30, 2021, 10:48 AM
Well missed it by that much.... Anyway there were a couple of questions that I remember.
1. The question asked why a SF6 switch was not transported with gas in it. The choices were environmental
reasons, could damage seals in shipping and a couple others.
2. There was a question about SI and what it represents. The choices were Hertz, Amps, Volts and Joules
I looked this one up and SI is a standard of measurement and in electrical applications it is Amperes so I
guess amps would have been the answer.
3. There was a question about three control transformers in an open format with a common neutral. The question
was what would they be used for.
A word of advise on that test anyway there were more questions on Scada systems, types of fiber optics, no logic questions and not a lot of questions on safety. There were about five questions involving calculations and a couple of circuit questions. I felt like there were quote a few questions on isolating circuits for testing and they were given graphically and in worded questions. There were also quite a few questions on testing relays. Study your ANSI numbers there were quite a few questions that only used the devise numbers in the questions. Just an FYI I have quite a few study tests on Quizlet for device numbers and other items. I also found an app called Arc Flash 101 in the apple app store. It is free and has a lot of great info on it. Well hope this info can help anyone.
1. The question asked why a SF6 switch was not transported with gas in it. The choices were environmental
reasons, could damage seals in shipping and a couple others.
2. There was a question about SI and what it represents. The choices were Hertz, Amps, Volts and Joules
I looked this one up and SI is a standard of measurement and in electrical applications it is Amperes so I
guess amps would have been the answer.
3. There was a question about three control transformers in an open format with a common neutral. The question
was what would they be used for.
A word of advise on that test anyway there were more questions on Scada systems, types of fiber optics, no logic questions and not a lot of questions on safety. There were about five questions involving calculations and a couple of circuit questions. I felt like there were quote a few questions on isolating circuits for testing and they were given graphically and in worded questions. There were also quite a few questions on testing relays. Study your ANSI numbers there were quite a few questions that only used the devise numbers in the questions. Just an FYI I have quite a few study tests on Quizlet for device numbers and other items. I also found an app called Arc Flash 101 in the apple app store. It is free and has a lot of great info on it. Well hope this info can help anyone.