View Full Version : Which NETA books are used for the exam?

December 12, 2021, 11:01 PM
hi, I have been using the new 2021 ats and 2019 books to study for this test. After taking a few exams and seeing I am missing questions that i am physically looking up in my books, makes me a little worried. Are we truly using the older versions for this test?

December 27, 2021, 01:17 PM
hi, I have been using the new 2021 ats and 2019 books to study for this test. After taking a few exams and seeing I am missing questions that i am physically looking up in my books, makes me a little worried. Are we truly using the older versions for this test?

If you are saying you are taking practice exams on this site and missing questions that you are looking up in your new MTS/ATS books, then I bet either that question/answer for the practice test is written wrong (which happens often on here) or you might be missing some subtle parts of the question. The MTS and ATS typically changes due to stuff getting added to them (like new types of tests or types of equipment being tested), not due to established test procedures and acceptable test values being changed. So if the kind of question you are getting wrong even though you looked the answer up is something like "what is the minimum DC test voltage for XYZ", then it probably isn't due to the version of the ATS or MTS you are using.