Any chance that TestGuy will create a relay specific forum? Lots of folks do both apparatus and relay, and would probably like insights from dedicated relay / P&C techs.
My suggestion would be Forum > Electrical Testing Forum > Relay Testing Talk
Any chance that TestGuy will create a relay specific forum? Lots of folks do both apparatus and relay, and would probably like insights from dedicated relay / P&C techs.
My suggestion would be Forum > Electrical Testing Forum > Relay Testing Talk
Hi Frierfly, thanks for the suggestion. Because many techs do both apparatus and relay testing, our original thought was that a general forum for all things electrical testing was the most streamlined approach. At the moment there probably aren't enough relay topics to warrant a separate forum but if enough people started talking relays we could easily move everything to a new space.
We would love to hear input from other members on this, please chime in with your thoughts.
It's not a bad idea. I sure don't know everything about relaying but when it comes to testing relays on a customer end, interfacing with utility for Customer main breakers, I could try to help answer questions.
My website is very new and has a few electromechanical relay posts, but I typically come up with topics to post based off what I run across in the field. I am currently working on some GE SR469, SR750, SR745, and SR489s. I typically work with SEL, but work with SEPAM, Siprotec, basler, most electromechanical.
So if you would like to see something let me know. I can try to set something up. I like to contribute on TestGuy