If I may ask, what material did you use to prepare for the exam, I am taking mine soon, and not sure what I need to study. Also why did it take so long for you to get the results back?
If I may ask, what material did you use to prepare for the exam, I am taking mine soon, and not sure what I need to study. Also why did it take so long for you to get the results back?
Congratulations!! I waited that long to find out that I missed it by that much and now only have a month to ramp back up to take the test again. Getting the results right away does decrease the anxiety level quite a bit. I can only hope that they did not redo all of the questions so I can study what I think I will need to pass the test this time.
Truthfully, the LEVEL III prep exam is a great foundation. Switching sequences (how to isolate a section of buss the safest way [e.g. ARC Flash] vs. the least impactful to loads), NEC grounding and service knowledge, capacitor/inductor reactance equations/problems, Power triangle, and ATS/MTS specs seemed to round out the test I took. If you're scoring in the high 80's on the test here, you are likely in good shape. Reading the questions carefully is key, because there may be several 'right' answers but only one is targeted by the question. Can be tricky. If I can help further, please let me know.
Good luck.