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No problem. I've only got 14 years in the field. And the whole message I have been trying to spread since I created my website, is to expose the testing side of the trade. We spend our whole careers flying under the radar. Showing up in the middle of the night, fixing problems, getting people back online. You can ask 100 electricians what an electrical test guy does, and 50 will say they don't know. The people who respond with any type of answer will respond with an extremely vague answer that comprises .0001% of our job. My hopes are that electricians or other test guys will find my site, and hopefully guide them to a solution. But there is so much more out there than my site contains. I'm working on adding content.
This site is an awesome network for test guys. So if I can help out on here, its just as good. This is a huge platform for me to contribute to and make this site better for all users.
Good luck on your new position.