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A RED DANGER NO SAFE PPE EXISTS label is a common mistake based on an unenforceable Fine Print Note in the 2009 edition of 70E. That note from 130.7(A) stated: FPN No. 2: When incident energy exceeds 40 cal/cm2 at the working distance, greater emphasis may be necessary with respect to de-energizing before working within the Limited Approach Boundary of the exposed electrical conductors or circuit parts. It was repeated as an Informational Note in 2012.
As a result of this note, power systems analysis software manufactures mistakenly provided templates in their software for RED DANGER labels for anything above 40 calories.
The IN was removed in the 2015 edition.
The RED DANGER label also violates the ANSI Z535 labeling standard as RED DANGER is reserved for "death or injury WILL occur" and that's not the case with arc flash incidents.
So an orange Warning label is appropriate, and safe PPE does exist above 40 calories.
John M