I have been looking for some of the old curve data sheets on older panels. Any advice or anyone have them they can share?
I have been looking for some of the old curve data sheets on older panels. Any advice or anyone have them they can share?
Do you have the breaker CAT # or trip unit model? You can try searching the manufacturer's website to see if they have the curve posted. If it's not on their website you might have to call them.
If you can't find the trip curve, and you know the breaker CAT # or trip unit model send a pm or reply to the post and we might be able to help you.
Siemens doesn't seem to have a database, but they do give you some software to determine tcc
ABB/General Electric
Square D
Anything odd or older, you might be able to find on electricalmanuals.net
Sometimes the breaker will have the curve no. printed on the label, and you can just google the specific curve number. As you will find there are multiple curve numbers for some breakers and the tcc curves do not always match. These typically will have the curve number printed on the breaker.