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It says on page 7 of the Instruction Leaflet IL5721B13H07 for the secondary test kit that you must first turn off the ground fault function before secondary testing so I would assume that there is a ground fault defeat switch. That is the test set that has a different card for each trip unit with a dial and a push button. If I remember correctly there is a module that you plug in line that has a button that defeats ground fault. Below is from page 7. Hope this helps.
"Digitrip 310+
Digitrip 310+ Circuit Breakers Test Procedure
Before testing, write down all settings in use so that they may be
restored after tests are completed.
To begin testing;
1. Connect the Digitrip 310+ cable assembly (style 5721B14) into
the side connector of the handheld unit. Plug the other end of
the cable into the test port.
Note: The test plug may be covered by a “dummy connector” used to
protect the test plug pins during shipment. Ease the dummy connector
off using a screw driver to expose the male test pins underneath.
2. Position Trip/No Trip switch on cable assembly to the Trip position
and set the Ground Fault switch to the “Off” position."