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Hope this helps some of you. I took and passed the NETA II a few months ago and wrote this up shortly after. I believe it covers the NETA II test topics fairly well.
Voltage drop across resistors in series and parallel
Total resistance calculations in very basic circuits
What is the total inductance? Series and parallel
Ductor readings - which one is acceptable?
A few pictures with items like a CT being pointed to and asking what it is
Generator testing
Basic ANSI device numbers (if you know 21,27,32,50,51,52,59,87 you should be covered)
What is the purpose of the NEC?
One line drawings in general
Know how to find kVARs - Know your power triangle in general
Know how to find power factor
General knowledge of power factor testing
Ground testing (know the values in ohms)
One or two questions on fiber optics
Know the value (%) in which fuses fail
Basics of thermography (emissivity etc)
Electrical rubber glove classes (max use voltage) and inspection dates
Of course, read your MTS and ATS! Quite a few questions lifted straight from those two. My test focused mainly on medium voltage testing requirements.
NEMA enclosure ratings
Familiarize yourself with anti pump characteristics
Blow out coils
Differential relaying theory (basics)
“When is it acceptable to wear cotton clothing?” In regards to voltage levels
One or two questions on mechanical relays operation such as “pick up current was low, what setting needs to be moved” etc.
% allowable for transformer winding resistance
Know what properties transformer oil shows when it has arced / broke down