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Now, I got a slightly different answer, so someone correct me if I'm mistaken.
First calculate HV currents.
50000000/sqrt(3)*138000 = 209.18
50000000/sqrt(3)*69000 = 418.37
Now calculate CT currents. An electromechanical scheme on a Delta-Wye will have Wye-Delta CT's to account for the phase shift. Delta CT current must be multiplied by sqrt(3).
Primary - Wye CT:
209.18/50 = 4.18
Secondary - Delta CT:
418.37/100 = 4.18
4.18*sqrt(3) = 7.24
Calculate the percent mismatch as follows: On two-winding transformers,
determine the ratio of the two relay currents and the tap values selected. The
difference between these ratios, divided by the smaller ratio, is the percent
((4.18/5)-(7.24/9)) / (7.24/9) = 0.0392
3.92% with rounding errors.
Looks like your answer came from incorrectly dividing by the larger ratio.
(4.18/5)-(7.24/9) / (4.18/5) = 0.0377
3.77% with rounding errors.