I don't. I remembered as much as I could, but I was so stressed out. I'm surprised I remembered as much as I did.
What is the benefit of a synchronous motor?
According to Figure 1 and Figure 2 in the link below, the bond would be before the neutral disconnect.
The ground fault relay CT is also before the neutral disconnect (Figure 1), but a zero sequence CT (combining all phases) is placed after the neutral disconnect (Figure 2).
In response to the question, the N-G bond is solid and at the bottom of the service switchgear. It would be difficult to place the relay CT before (from ground as the reference), the CT is normally after (unless you are using a different frame of reference).
One of the other members posted some questions that he remembered from his exam. One of the questions was
"You're troubleshooting in a building with a lot of high harmonic loads. They've been losing power. What is the most likely cause? (Sorry, I can't remember all of the symptoms.)"
I know that high harmonics are seen on the Neutral so would that be an answer? Could cause problems with neutral sensors or ground fault tripping. Any thoughts. My exam is at the end of next month so I am getting ready again.
Warren Garber
Have a great day!