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On a Vaccum interrupters, I need test the dielectric strenght with a High Potencial AC devices, manual of the vaccum bottles say that I need test them with 16kVAC, or, if I got a DC devices, I need test them with 23 kDC.
That’s right, because on this test I need check the leakage current on the peak of the sine wave, so, I got two options, inyect a RMS value of 16 kAC, or, multiplies this value per square of two, to get the peak of the sine wave and inject these value (23 kDC) with the high potential devices.
The question is: Why change the reference from AC to a DC test?, for example, if I test the vaccum bottles with 16 kAC I expect a leakage of current below to 1.3 miliamperes, but if I test the vaccum bottles with 23 kDC I need expect a leakage current below of 5 microamperes. Why change the reference value?