The new model was developed based on over 1860 tests performed by the project at different voltage levels. The model performance was also evaluated against the existing IEEE Std 1584-2002 test results (approximately 300 tests). The new model performance was evaluated against 932 tests between 0.208 kV to 0.6 kV, 325 tests at 2.7 kV, 202 tests at 4 kV, and over 400 tests between 12 kV and 15 kV.
The new IEEE 1584 arc-flash model is an empirically derived model, and just like the 2002 model, is considered to yield consistent results when applied within the recommended range of its parameters. The model was evaluated as a whole, and its performance was observed using a holistic approach. It is the conclusion that this model produces results that are more accurate than those of its predecessor for configurations common in both models. Further, the new model provides a method to evaluate the incident energy for other configurations not previously considered, such as vertical conductors in a box with a barrier and horizontal conductors in a box and without a box.