We had a tech go out last week to test three 125Kva dry type transformers. He did an insulation resistance test and a TTR test on the used tap setting for each transformer. They all tested good PI above 1.0 all insulation resistance readings passed and the ratios were all within NETA specs. One of the transformers failed after it was energized. I was not there but the customer called me Saturday night and said the B phase winding was "smoked". So Monday morning I went out to the site to see what had happened. He was right you can see that the B phase winding was burnt on the bottom and it appears to have come from the middle of the winding out from the bottom. Can it be that because the megger puts out voltage but very little amperage so the test results were good but when they energized it with real current it failed? I was told that the panel this transformer feeds only had three single pole circuits in it so there could not have been much inrush. Does anyone else have any experience with this happening? I will say that the transformer were not build very well in the last photo you will see that the cable mounts are supported by flimsy plastic standoffs.