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Using a Megger Delta 4000 power factor test set and PowerDB automated form 93500 for two winding transformer to test for example a 2500 kVA dry type transformer. Is there any point of attempting a narrow band dielectric frequency response (NB DFR) test or the affiliated individual temperature correction (ITC) which also uses NB DFR for it's algorithm?
I have been through at least one AVO/Megger transformer testing class and several previously recorded webinars talking about DFR and ITC as well as read several technical articles on the subject but no one really addresses whether or not this technology adequately applies to dry type transformers as well. Even the AVO instructor was unsure on this and all the info is really only on liquid filled which seems to be Megger's main focus anyway.
Would love to hear some more experienced techs'/engineers' thoughts on the subject along with any links to supporting technical information/literature you could provide for further reading.